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No More Sex Toys for Her Damaged Vagina

While married, she could reach orgasm only with the aid of a vibrator. Excessive use caused a rift in her relationship that led to divorce and also damaged her clitoris.
Case #: 1605

I have clitoral scar tissue damage from using a vibrator for a long time. What can help me restore the nerve endings as fast as possible? I am only 23 years old and just got out of a bad marriage because I was unable to achieve clitoral orgasms without stimulation from a vibrator, although I had a great partner. Is there any way you can help me?

Erotic toys and sexual fulfillment are no longer the taboo topics they once were. Society accepts the female orgasm is as important as that of the male, and vibrators increase a woman’s sexual experience. The multitude of designs available mean women can customize their experiences – some enjoy dildos that simultaneously stimulate different erogenous zones, while others enjoy small, compact vibrators designed just for the clit.
Pros and Cons of Using a Vibrator
We all know masturbation is healthy. Yes, that’s right – touching yourself is normal and beneficial. It allows women to explore their bodies, discover the techniques that bring them to orgasm and garner sexual confidence. When partners use sex toys together, they experiment in a safe and loving environment to deter from boredom in the bedroom. This only increases the benefits that come from sex toy use.
But these benefits come with a price. Again, vibrators can desensitize nerves and keep a woman from reaching orgasm – an irony given they are designed to encourage healthy sexual responses. But the vibrator requires direct and repeated contact with the clitoris, an organ perhaps better suited to gentle strokes rather than rapid-fire pulses.
Vibrators can also tear skin and cause irritation/swelling. This damage often goes unnoticed until a woman feels outright pain. Neither pain nor any other side effect caused by sex toys should be ignored. It’s your body’s way of saying something is wrong.
Surprisingly, vibrators and dildos also contain toxic chemicals that can disrupt hormone balances. We’re not telling you to completely stop all sex toy use, but we are certainly suggesting you proceed with caution. The clitoris is delicate, and although made for pleasure, it can only withstand so much stimulation. You can therefore save the erotic toys for special occasions or times when you really want to treat yourself.
A Great Partner versus a Great Lover

You said you had a great partner in your ex-husband, and yet you could not achieve orgasm without stimulation from a vibrator. It is possible something was missing from your marriage – trust, passion or comfort, to name a few crucial components – that kept you from reaching orgasm when he touched you.
Now is an ideal time to reflect on this relationship so you get what you need from your next lover. Remember that sexual pleasure involves more than physical sensations. You also have to feel desire and be aroused. For women, arousal usually follows great foreplay. Make sure you and your future partner take your time before intercourse, and encourage him to caress, rub and/or lick your clitoris until you achieve orgasm.
The Finishing Touch for Amazing Sex

But to have an orgasm, you first must revive your nerve endings. This doesn’t require surgery or strange vaginal exercises. Instead, all you need is a clitoral revitalization formula. With ingredients like Cnidium and Pyrola, the formula increases sexual desire and repairs damaged genital tissues. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Clitoral Sensitivity & Passion Restoration) The effect for you will be two-fold: you’ll long for deep and mutually satisfying sex with the person you love, and the simplest touch will easily bring you to climax – without need for a sex toy.

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most...

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Views: 164

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 59301

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