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Vaginal Insensitivity - Caused by Drugs

Many side effects from prescription drugs go unreported because they may take years of progressive influence to realize the damage they cause. In addition to birth control pills, which effect estrogen, progesterone, prostaglandin, DHEA and other growth hormones, drugs prescribed for ADD, hypertension and cholesterol can also disrupt the proper production of the hormones essential to a healthy vagina, G-spot and clitoris.

Estrogen functions to maintain balanced vaginal lubrication, elasticity and acidity. A quick dramatic fluctuation of estrogen can put women in hot turmoil. Just ask women that went through menopause can tell you the many horrifying experiences of severe vaginal dryness, vaginal numbness, or vaginal infections.

The hormonal imbalances caused by birth control pills and other drugs will trigger a domino effect of problems, including:

  • Suppression of prostaglandin E-1, E-3, and nitric oxide
  • More abrasions occurred along the urethral tract, vaginal canal and cervix
  • Suppression of the urethral immune system
  • Over production of prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory culprit behind Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Women who experience pain during intercourse may not even realize that years of untreated abrasions and multiple UTI are the cause of their suffering, as birth control pills, drugs and excessive sex can elevate epinephrine, cortisol and prostaglandin E-2, perpetuating a cycle that prolongs UTI, causes more vaginal abrasions and continues to make sex painful.

Vaginal rejuvenation with herbal remedies should be introduced after treating UTI to disrupt the vicious cycle that causes vaginal insensitivity and pain.

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