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A British Woman Experienced Horrified Side Effects from Birth Control Pills Containing Estrogen

She is experiencing depression, mood swings and self-described psychosis as a result of taking birth control, and she wants to know about progesterone-based pills.

Case #: 33936


I have taken the combined-pill (progesterone & estrogen) and mini-pill (estrogen only) before. The crazy side effects drives me nut: depression, low libido, mood swings and all-around psychosis! My doc said that there are pills on the market that are progesterone-only, but they are not licensed in Britain as a contraceptive. I am 28 years old with good health. Would I get the same side effect by using progesterone only pill?


Unfortunately, there is no way around the adverse side effects of birth control, regardless of what type you take. Excessive amounts of either progesterone or estrogen can lead to numerous psychological and physical illnesses. Excessive progesterone can cause mood swings, anxiety, stress, vaginal dryness, yeast infection, and intercourse pain. Excessive estrogen can cause depression, hypothyroidism, excessive vaginal wetness, and intercourse pain. So it’s not recommend to have any chemical form of birth control for a long period of time.

Birth control emulates a pregnancy state by flooding the brain with excessive progesterone and/or estrogen, so that your brain will think you are pregnant and then shut down your ovarian function. Progestagen negative feedback and the lack of estrogen positive feedback on LH release prevent a mid-cycle LH surge. This results in excessive progesterone or estrogen in the uterus and cervix. [1] [2] [3]

When the liver fails to detoxify the excessive hormones and to fully support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin, you may suffer from various side effects including: depression, low libido and orgasmic dysfunction. [4]

The liver function is very critical for the cholesterol-hormone conversion in the brain, adrenal glands, ovaries/testicles and other tissues. If you have a weak liver that would not detoxify the residue toxin of Progestin, there is a risk of this hormone-based birth control may increase the deposition of bad cholesterol in the arteries and causes cardiovascular problems.

To reverse the damage caused by birth control medication, you need to expel the accumulated toxins in your body. Hormonal Realignment & Rejuvenation Formula will help you gradually rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function, detoxify your liver, uterus and cervix, and boost your prostaglandin E-1/E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for healing.

There are other natural birth control methods that you might want to consider.


  1. ^Trussell, James (2007). "Contraceptive Efficacy". In Hatcher, Robert A., et al.. Contraceptive Technology (19th rev. ed.). New York: Ardent Media. ISBN 0-9664902-0-7.
  2. Speroff, Leon; Darney, Philip D. (2005). "Oral Contraception". A Clinical Guide for Contraception (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 21–138. ISBN 0-781-76488-2.
  3. Loose, Davis S.; Stancel, George M. (2006). "Estrogens and Progestins". In Brunton, Laurence L.; Lazo, John S.; Parker, Keith L. (eds.). Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1541–1571. ISBN 0-07-142280-3.
  4. Glasier, Anna (2006). "Contraception". In DeGroot, Leslie J.; Jameson, J. Larry (eds.). Endocrinology (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. pp. 2993–3003. ISBN 0-7216-0376-9.
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Views: 131

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 62641

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