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Is My Libido Sleeping

Learn about the life changing affects sexual exhaustion can have on women, and what you can do to reverse the symptoms.

Case #: 1598


Hi, after I orgasm through masturbation I find myself sort of off balanced. I have trouble keeping myself together, like a really tired feeling. This feeling lasts throughout the entire day and sometimes it stretches over to the next day. Is there anything I can do to help me? I know this is not normal. Masturbation is supposed to be a relaxant but this seems like it is a lot more. Please help me.


A lot of times when we think about women who are sexually exhausted, the picture of a woman who is just too tired to have sex comes to mind. When in reality it is just the opposite. When a woman experiences too much sex or they over indulge in masturbation, it can trigger a very notable spike of stress hormones like epinephrine.

We're Exhausted

The rise of unwanted stress hormones can lead to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and in some cases, sexual exhaustion symptoms. The symptoms of female sexual exhaustion will mimic those of drug abuse in many ways. Many times it can induce artery inflammation, which subsequently leads to blood flow constriction to the brain. The modified, narrowed arteries would require a higher level of blood pressure in order to pump a sufficient amount of oxygen to the brain.

Other common symptoms of this condition are, but are not limited to; headaches, migraine, blurred version, ear ringing, joint pains and inflammation, and disorders concerning the uterus, cervix, bladder and urethra.

Overly Ovary

For a female that is not currently pregnant, too much sex or climaxing could lead to the exhaustion of the ovarian function and could also lead to menstrual disorders. For women who are actually with child, the concerns are a bit more serious. The action of the female orgasm causes the uterus and cervix to stretch. A woman who is already sexually exhausted produces higher amounts of the inflammation hormone called prostaglandin E-2. Prostaglandin E-2 will enlarge a woman's cervical opening and could induce an early labor.

How To Fix It

In order to reverse the tiring affects of your sexual exhaustion symptoms, it would be in your greater interest to refrain from masturbating for a few weeks in order for your body to rest up and heal without interruption. During your time of healing, you may speed up the process by utilizing a natural remedy that includes ingredients such as Fo Ti, Tree Peony Bark, Codonopsis Pilosula, and Cinnamomum Cortex. (SEE: Natural Sexual Exhaustion Relief Formula) These herbs will work together to re-energize your libido, and will cleanse your blood in order to help your sexual longevity. They also promote stamina, which is a blessing when it comes to sexual exhaustion cases.

If you do not experience an improvement over the next few months, I would definitely suggest making an appointment with your OBGYN so that they may explore other possible options for your treatment.

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Views: 172

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

Blog ID: 62596

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