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The Underbelly of the Sex Toy Business: She can no Longer Reach Orgasm after Prolonged Experimentation with Resale Vibrators

She sells sex toys and is therefore privy to each new model and brand that comes to the market. After keeping and repeatedly using her favorites, she is now unable to reach orgasm. She suffers from clitoral insensitivity caused by the vibrators she sells and uses.
Case #: 1190

I sell adult toys. As a reseller, I often host adult parties where customers can try and purchase the products I sell. I make great money, and as the adage goes, “sex sells.” Another incentive to selling sex toys is my husband and I get to experiment with all of these products before we add them to our expanding list of products. As you can imagine, I’ve tried a number of products, mostly vibrators. Every brand, color, style, and type has been inside me – at least once. And I’ve kept and used a few of my favorites.
However, I feel the use of these devices has caused some severe damage because now it’s difficult for me to orgasm.
As a woman involved in the sex toy industry, you know how important, and often elusive, the female orgasm is. Clitoral stimulation is the only way that most women reach climax. One of the best ways to ensure that stimulation is with a vibrator, designed for direct and pulsating contact with the clitoris.
Nature of the Vibrator

Centuries ago, clitoral stimulation was not an act associated with sex but rather with medicine. Doctors performed it on women believed to be “hysterical.” But these physicians quickly learned that repeatedly using their fingers to provide treatment was tiresome. Thus, the first vibrator was born in France in 1734.
Sex toys have come a long way since then. They’re not the deviant-inspired tools as once perceived by society, but instead are accepted as exciting ways for women and couples alike to experience intimacy. But the fact that vibrators do so easily bring women to orgasm also means they can quickly cause harm.
Sensitivity of the Clitoris

Obviously the clitoris is a sensitive organ, otherwise its stimulation would not yield such pleasure for women. It is jam packed with 8,000 nerve endings that extend to more than 15,000 different nerves throughout the pelvis. An orgasm is thus felt throughout the entire body.
Despite the feelings of bliss those nerves can bring, they’re also highly susceptible to damage. It is for this reason that the clit is designed with a hood that helps protect it from exposure. Like a penis, the clitoris grows in size during arousal to facilitate stimulation. But all those nerves were not intended to receive constant pressure. When over-stimulation does occur, as frequently happens with repeated use of sex toys, the nerves become desensitized. This explains why you can no longer reach orgasm.
How Desensitization Occurs

You already know that vibrators come in all shapes and sizes. They’re even available in a myriad of colors to increase their appeal. Of course, other options include changeable speeds, different contours and dual motors for more power. These choices allow a woman to personalize her sexual experience, but they also make for a recipe for disaster.
A vibrator makes intense contact with the clitoris. With time, that intensity causes the nerves to lose sensitivity. More power is therefore needed to create the desired effect – orgasm. Meanwhile, the pleasures brought by vibrators are so easy to reach that you increasingly seek them. Frequent use of a vibrator, coupled with ever more intensity, means a continual loss of sensitivity in your nerves.
Combat the Effects of Toys

The first thing you should do is put away the sex toys. They’re fun and stimulating, but your body needs a break. This is a good time to explore the other products in your repertoire. Experimenting will help your business and also rev up excitement in the bedroom.
You can repair the damage to your body by taking an all-natural herbal formula. Clitoral damage and insensitivity can be the result of many factors, meaning you’re not the only woman to go through this. Herbs have the ability to repair nerves and promote the growth of healthy tissue in and around your clitoris. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Clitoral Restoration) They also increase sensitivity so your orgasm is more enjoyable than ever before.

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most...

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Views: 200

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59636

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