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Bloody Hell

Female has had sex multiple times without issue, but the last time she had intercourse she began bleeding afterwards. There is no pain, and she is not a virgin, nor is she on birth control. What is happening?

Case #: 1410


I am totally freaking out! I have had sex many times and the last time I was bleeding all over. I don't know what is happening. There is nothing that hurts and my cherry was popped years ago. I have been on birth control but I stopped a long time ago. Why am I bleeding?


It’s actually not too abnormal for a woman to experience bleeding after sex. So long as you’ve been getting regular Pap examinations, there’s no need to worry. The direst cause of bleeding after sex is related to cervical cancer, but like I mentioned, with a clean bill of health, that’s not a concern.

Clean and Clear

As you probably already know, Pap smears check to ensure that there aren’t any abnormal cervical cells present. Cervical cell mutations are caused by exposure to specific strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), numbers 16 and 18, which cause about seventy percent of all cervical cancer cases. While many of the HPV strains cause genital warts as well, strains 16 and 18 do not, and may therefore pass undetected for a long time.


In your instance, I’m assuming the bleeding is simply caused by excessive cervical friction. It could be that you had sex with a man who was longer than what you’re used to, or you used a position that just happened to hit you right, but something bothered your cervix enough to the point that you lost a bit of your uterine lining, or your cervix bled.

It sounds worse than it is. As long as this isn’t an ongoing issue, and there isn’t any deep cramping or pain afterwards, or in the ensuing days, I’d say don’t worry about it. I can recommend an herbal supplement to help prevent unnecessary vaginal bleeding, but aside from that, there’s not much to be done.

Plant Power

The remedy I’m recommending for you contains herbs to control the stability of your vaginal lining, but also helps your body to normalize its excretions, and revitalizes your feminine reproductive system. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Vaginal Bleeding Relief)

Chasteberry has been used for centuries to align female fertility cycles, and helps to control proper hormone levels in the body through the use of phytoestrogens. These chemicals are found in plants and serve to create a hormone beneficial environment in your body, without actually introducing synthetic hormones. Cimicifuga is a powerful detoxifier that prevents the prostaglandin buildup that can occur from cervical irritation—keeping you free from pain and ensuring a continued healthy sexual response.

Dong Quai, Cistanche, Fo Ti, and Ashwagandha promote a healthy feminine system through strong circulation, detoxification, and chemical response. Mexican Wild Yam also serves to balance female cycles, and keeps your body functioning properly hormonally.

Get checked, but if all comes back normal, don’t worry about this incident. The supplement I’m recommending will ensure your continued health, and prevent a repeat occurrence. Have fun, and be safe!

What to do

Natural Relief Formula for Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any age. Stress, birth control pills, endometriosis, prescription drugs, abuse of recreational drugs, or uterine fibroids can all lead to hormonal irregularities which can cause bleeding

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Views: 203

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Bleeding

Blog ID: 59424

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