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Getting Over Your Vibrator

A 38 year old woman has discovered the wonders that vibrators can do for an orgasm but after overusing the vibrator she is starting to see the consequences. Is her vagina really damaged? What can she do?
Case #: 1613

I'm a 38-year-old woman who recently found out about having an orgasm with a vibrator. I know what an orgasm feels like with a vibrator now, but I still don't know what it feels like to have one with a partner. It seems like I have been trying for years to orgasm but nothing seems possible. It is really hard and it takes incredible concentration and then I just feel numbness. I have normal desires; my sex drive is normal, and I seem to lubricate normally. What can I do to help myself? It feels like I have a lack of hormones, or maybe damaged nerve endings. Please help me; I don't want to feel incredibly depressed and hopeless anymore.

I’m glad you’ve finally experienced orgasm! Now, don’t start feeling down about it! Half of the issue of female orgasm is how we psych ourselves out about it! If it takes a vibrator to get you to orgasm, it could be that your clitoral nerves aren’t properly transmitting and receiving stimulation. This can be purely physiological, or it could be hormonally related. You mention that you lubricate normally and have a normal sexual desire; these are signs that your hormones are in balance. If you have achieved orgasm once, you can find it again. Let’s go over some of the potential issues at work here.
Good Things Take Time

To begin at the beginning: are you giving yourself enough arousal time? Females can take up to twenty minutes to become fully aroused. During this period, your genitals might not be as responsive as necessary for orgasm. The arousal period for females allows blood to flow to the labia, clitoris, and G-Spot, engorging them with blood and increasing surface area and sensation substantially. A stroke can feel much different at the beginning and end of this time—imagine the difference between touching a flaccid and engorged penis!
Stop Thinking, Start Feeling

Secondly, are you thinking the entire time about whether you’re going to orgasm? I know it’s hard not to focus on, but if you can try to relax and simply enjoy the sensations, without being caught up in having to orgasm, you’re much more likely to have one. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and works antithetically to oxytocin, the hormone necessary for orgasm. The more you worry about having an orgasm, the more your body produces cortisol, and the less oxytocin is present in your system. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions, without it, you won’t be able to orgasm. So stop stressing!
Your Orgasm Is Yours Alone

Is it your partner that has you worried about orgasm? You shouldn’t be feeling any pressure to orgasm, or feel under any time constraint. Your orgasm is about you feeling good, not you having an expression of pleasure to assuage someone else’s ego. Orgasm should not be a time of extreme concentration; you should be able to slowly and surely build to climax, rather than focusing in on it.
From one over thinker to another, I’d recommend beginning a supplement to improve sensation and calm your head. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Clitoral Passion Enhancement) This remedy features powerful aphrodisiacs, in the form of Maca, Cistanche, and Epimedium. These will increase your desire, and also your sexual satisfaction. Dong Quai improves circulation, which can augment your clitoral and vaginal stimulation through increased blood flow. Tribulus acts as an androgen, which can also increase your sexual satisfaction.
Using these techniques will surely improve your orgasm ability, and I hope you find orgasm relief soon!

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most...

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Views: 175

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 60311

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