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As I Aged, My Body And Family Have Felt The Change

Learn how a menopausal woman can overcome lack of bladder control and live a normal life as she ages.

Case #: 406


As a 54-year-old mother of four children, I have lived an amazing life. I have traveled the world, and I have had my wonderful partner to share my adventures with. As I aged, my body—and family—felt the change. I became more fatigued. I gained more weight. I even felt the exasperating mood swings. Now embattled against menopause, I continue to suffer from a more severe issue—lack of bladder control. What’s wrong with me?


More than 17 percent of all women in the United States experience overactive bladder problems. The numbers may be considerably higher since many women are embarrassed to talk about urinary problems, even with their doctors. As a woman reaches her menopausal years, she experiences changes in her hormone levels, and this is when the problem becomes more prevalent.

Woman, especially in social or workplace situations, feel embarrassed of their urinary issues. It's distressing when you have the sensation of constantly having to go and aren't sure what to do about it.

When women are still experiencing menstrual cycles, their hormone levels maintain healthy tissue in the bladder and urethra. However, when they are pre-menopausal or menopausal, the levels of testosterone and estrogen diminish considerably. The tissues of the vaginal wall and bladder become thinner. The tissue that lines both areas becomes drier, which makes menopausal women more susceptible to irritants.

Problems Associated With Over Active Bladder, known as O.A.B.

As the walls of the vagina and the bladder start to thin due to lower hormone levels, some women experience sensitivity or discomfort during sexual activity. The pelvic muscles which control the bladder no longer function as they once did due to the lack of estrogen, and as they become weaker, bladder incontinence increases.

The biggest issue with most women is that when they have to go--and it can't wait. They have to find a bathroom immediately. Frequency is another issue associated with O.A.B. This can lead to additional problems including disrupting daily schedules and interfering with normal sleep patterns. If this is an issue, it can affect the sphincter muscles of the bladder and cause anatomical changes that could make the condition worse.

Getting Relief Naturally

Although overactive bladder in menopausal women can be disruptive, woman can counteract the problem. Dietary changes can improve the function of the bladder and decrease the constant urge to go, while eliminating or cutting down on coffee, black tea, soda, alcohol, citrus juices and fruits that irritate the bladder too can help.

Long-Lasting Help

Specific herbs can aid in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, and can be very beneficial to women who have severe overactive bladder problems. A water-soluble formula of pumpkin seed extract has been known to aid in building tissue in the floor of the pelvis. Studies have shown that the water-soluble extract has shown considerable improvement in the reduction of urine.

When nitric oxide is added to a botanical herb, it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bladder, preventing frequent bathroom breaks. Mexican Wild Yam, Dong Quai, Paeonia Suffruticosa Phellodendron Amurense, and Rehmannia Glutinosa are all herbs that can restore testosterone and progesterone levels bu inhibiting certain enzymes. These herbs may also help to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

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Views: 150

Ideas: Women's, Menopause

Blog ID: 58550

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