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Sex, Drugs, And Masturbation

Learn how a sober-living female in search of her orgasm may not be too far away from climax.
Case #:988

I have just recently found this site and realized that I have a lot of the issues described here. I am a forty-nine year old female with a history of drug abuse (cocaine) and frequent masturbation. I lived with a sex addict for ten years and I am finally free of that situation. However, my body has not recovered. I have most of the symptoms listed and would like to get myself healed. I usually only masturbate in the shower about every three weeks or so. All the toys were left with my ex and after learning all of this I will not be playing in the shower anymore. I think the biggest thing is the clitoral numbness and inability to climax. The G-spot works great and I still have some feeling in the clitoral area but it feels numb and I do not respond to my new partner very well.

Firstly, I'd like to commend you for living a new sober life. Drug abuse has touched my family many times, and I completely understand how difficult becoming and staying clean can be.
No Feeling

I feel it is important for us to remember, particularly in this case, that we begin using drugs for a reason. And most of the time that reason is to feel numb towards our problems. As various social drugs numb our minds to pain, they also begin to block our bodies from pleasure.
Vaginal Insensitivity

One of the most common causes of insensitivity of the clitoris is excessive masturbation. If a woman pleasures herself more than the regulated dose, vaginal abrasions may form. This is a common vaginal exhaustive symptom that is a direct reaction to long sessions of masturbation conducted before a woman reaches sexual maturity. These masturbatory sessions that occur per-puberty, can over stimulate the neuro-endocrine system. Subsequently, this will elevate stress hormones such as dopamine, norepinephrine, prolactin, and epinephrine. The rapid increase of these hormones will adversely affect a woman's reproductive organs. Over time this hormonal imbalance will lead to disorders in the pituitary-ovarian function, and cause sexual exhaustive symptoms.
Vaginally Abrasive

Vaginal abrasions are actually a pretty common symptom of sexual exhaustion. Many times, these abrasions are accompanied by extremely sharp pains in the vagina that not only make sex uncomfortable, they can also make intercourse completely unbearable.
The best way to avoid any further complications, such as abrasions, is to take some serious time out for yourself to let your body heal. Herbs such as Evening Primrose Oil, Mexican Wild Yam, Dong Quia, and grape seeds are great resources to have in your arsenal. (SEE: Vaginal & Clitoral Restoration Formula) They will help to regulate the proper levels of essential hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and serotonin. These herbs will also raise levels of prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 production, and help the vaginal and uterine muscles to relax. Most importantly, natural remedies that include the herbs listed above will oversee the repair of damaged clitoral nerve endings.
Abstinence Is Key

Though in many ways the human body is self-healing, it needs some sufficient time to regroup. I would recommend abstaining from sex for a few weeks so that the healing process is not interrupted. Once your clitoris and vagina have had a good amount of healing time, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to return to your sex life with a fiery vengeance.

What to do

Natural Renewal Remedy for Vaginal & Clitoral Desensitization

Vaginal abrasion, aging, prescription drugs, birth control medications, oxytocin imbalance, estrogen imbalance, and poor vaginal peripheral circulation may all lead to the desensitization of the G-spot, and the vaginal and clitoral sensitivity...

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Views: 168

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 59293

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