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Chronic Urinary Track Infection Wipes Out Her Sex Drive

Over-masturbation has led to her sexual exhaustion, which has resulted in urinary tract infection, yeast infection, and low libido.

Case #: 39237


My girl friend is 30 years old. She has masturbated a lot since she was very young and has had a very high sex drive up until a few months ago. She is very frustrated because her sex drive went downhill to the point that she has no desire at all. She tried everything to stir up. She can’t orgasm even through masturbation. I noticed that she have urinary tract infection very frequently and constantly on medication for it. She also gets yeast infection and got treated by a cream that her doctor prescribed to her.


Her problem seems to stem from sexual exhaustion due to abusive masturbation resulted in a depletion of essential hormones, damaging inflammatory responses and weaker immune defense. Weaker immune system made her much more susceptible to infection, leading to UTI and yeast infection.

Excessive sexual activity and over-masturbation lead to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress.

The hormone prostaglandin E-2, which serves an important function in sexual arousal, is also overproduced and has an inflammatory effect on the body, damaging tissues, nerves and joints, weakening immunity, causing muscular and nervous pain, and promoting infection, inflammation, and even cancer. Chronic elevation of epinephrine and prostaglandin E2 results in severe damage to brain cells and parasympathetic nerves in the liver, lungs, adrenal glands, heart, blood vessels, digestive system, pancreas, gallbladder, ovaries, uterus, cervix, testicles and prostate. As a result, you can experience a variety of symptoms, including depression, anxiety, bodily pains, persistent sexual arousal and sexual dysfunction such as impotence and premature ejaculation in men and a lack of sexual stimulation in women.

Try Femme Recovery & Immune Enhancement Formula to reverse the ill-effects of excessive sexual activity or over-masturbation from the past, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let the body rest and replenish her essential hormones with natural herbs. The immunity will start improving along with her endocrine system in a synergetic fashion.

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Views: 156

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 59312

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