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How Much Is Too Much: A Story of Excessive Vaginal Discharge

Learn how a woman is worried her extra discharge is just the spark of something more.

Case #: 787


I’ve used regular tampons for years now. I’ve never had a problem. But as of late, I’ve noticed a reoccurring theme soon after using my tampon—vaginal discharge. I spoke to my doctor about the problem and he said that I should simply try another brand. Well, I’ve tried several brands, and they all ineffectually lead to the same result: discharge. What should I do? Wear tissue and toilet paper all day?


I can definitely sympathize with your current situation. I too, have recently had a similar problem with heavy discharge just before, and during my period. I began to do some research because the amount of discharge I was producing seemed more than abnormal.

Cut From The Same Cloth

I was almost immediately directed to vaginitis. Vaginitis is essentially an inflammation of the vagina that creates irritation on the outside of the vaginal area. You may have also noticed a change in the odor of your excessive discharge, or some minor pain while engaged in sexual intercourse. Painful urination and some light vaginal spotting are also some possible symptoms for vaginitis. The most common types of vaginitis include; Bacterial vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Atrophic vaginitis, and yeast infections.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: Bacterial vaginosis is basically your body letting you know that there is an imbalance of vaginal bacteria going on internally. If you've noticed your discharge has taken on a grayish-white hue, or smells a bit fishy after sexual intercourse, this may be the vaginal infection for you.
  • Trichomoniasis: If you're experiencing a discharge with a green or yellowish tint to it, and the consistency is considerable foamy, trichomoniasis may be the culprit.
  • Atrophic Vaginitis: A considerable amount of irritation and itching pain that burns and stings is most likely related to atrophic vaginitis.
  • Yeast Infections: A yeast infection is probably the most common annoyance us women can share. If you've noticed a white discharge that is thick and cottage cheese like, you most likely have a yeast infection. Luckily, all of these infections are treatable. However, catching the problem early and cutting off the source is crucial to ensuring the infection does not become something more cumbersome.

How To Treat It

In this case I would strongly recommend switching from your normal tampons to organic, or naturally made tampons. (SEE: Tampons for Natural Menstruations) This should greatly reduce the risks of spreading infection, and will also reduce the opportunity for any infection to generate. I know people are still skeptical when it comes to going organic. I also sometimes worry if natural products will be of the same quality as regular ones. The truth is, organic tampons work just as well, if not better than the regularly manufactured ones. They're just as absorbent, and they also cut down the risk of toxic shock syndrome.

If, after using the natural tampons, you continue to have problems with excessive discharge I would strongly urge you to see your OBGYN as soon as possible to address the situation.

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Views: 174

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59225

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