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Doctor Is No Help With Clitoral Pain

Woman is experiencing clitoral pain and the doctor can shed no light on the issue. She continually masturbates with a high-frequency vibrator, but the doctor had no suggestions. What’s causing this issue, and what can be done for it?

Case #: 1195


Physicians must see a handful of eccentric ailments, from rare forms of cancer to skin-eating diseases. Thankfully I have neither, but I do experience a strange condition—clitoris pain. When I visited the doctor’s office, the physician stood perplexed by my problem. He didn’t recommend any medicine, but he did say to just “avoid sex for now and the pain should subside.” Well, after a few weeks, the pain continues to persist. I mentioned to him that I do tend to masturbate in a high frequency with a vibrator, but he didn’t shed any light on the problem. What’s wrong with me?


I’m not surprised that your doctor didn’t have any suggestions for your clitoral pain. I’m sorry that it’s occurring; it’s an unfortunate fact that many doctors don’t award female sexual issues the same import they give to male issues.

One of the causes of this problem is the issue of accurate diagnosis—there are so many potential problems that can occur in the female reproductive system, it’s difficult to know which one is the true cause, and many doctors don’t have the training necessary to pinpoint that. However, I do think I have a solution for your problem, and I hope to ease your clitoral suffering.

Too Much Buzzing

The cause of your clitoral pain is vibrator overuse. While vibrators can be fun, constantly using them, especially on a high setting, can cause numerous sexual issues. The vibrations affect the nerves, tissues, and blood vessels of the genital region in two ways. Firstly, the vibrations themselves cause the body to consider itself as undergoing abrasion, so it forms scar tissue in the area exposed. This creates issues with lack of sensitivity in the clitoris, g-spot, and vaginal region, as well as hindering sexual response by diminishing the amount of blood that reaches those areas.

The second result of continual vibrator usage is pain. Prostaglandin E2 is a hormone formed at the site of injury. It is meant to expedite healing by increasing blood flow to the area and dilating blood vessels. Unfortunately, this hormone is also an irritant, and creates pain in the area of the chemical process. Prostaglandin E2 is released in higher amounts when areas of previous injury are stimulated, meaning, the more you continue to use your vibrator, the more you will experience clitoral pain.

How to Heal a Broken Clitoris

However, while the problem might seem chronic as described here, it is actually a simple one to remedy. In fact, your doctor was half right! You must stop using the vibrator, and any form of extreme clitoral stimulation. You really shouldn’t have an issue with normal sex, but any kind of sustained, intense clitoral pressure is to be avoided for a while. This will allow your body to complete its healing process, so that you won’t continually be aggravating a sore spot.

The other half of the solution is to remove the presence of scar tissue and prostaglandins. Scar tissue can be diminished by eliminating the irritant, and by encouraging the body to form healthy new tissue in its place. This new tissue will not give you the pain you’re currently experiencing, and I think you’ll also experience a better sexual sensation generally, due to the increased engorgement ability.

To this end, I recommend an herbal solution that has a high amount of plants that aid in detoxification, as well as herbs that are generally restorative to the female reproductive system. (TRY: Vaginal Restoration & Detoxification) I’m sure you’ll soon be feeling pleasure instead of pain in your most sensitive area. Good luck!

What to do

VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Abusing a vibrator can trigger chronic elevation of prolactin, dopamine-norepinephrine or epinephrine conversion, leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. Vibrator abuse can accelerate aging of the vagina,...

[More Details +]

Views: 196

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 60520

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