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Is it Normal? Multi-Colored Discharge

Vaginal discharge changes color throughout the month. Is it normal to have many different shades of discharge?

Case #: 474


What if I told you that sometimes the discharges have a slight greenish color. Would you say that this is very bad or I shouldn't stress myself out? It doesn't smell too pleasant, but it doesn’t smell very bad either.

The vaginal discharges that I am experiencing changes color from time to time. It is green, yellow, and brown sometimes. What do you think causes that?


Some colored discharge is normal, some is not. While it is very common for women to experience a range of colors in their vaginal secretions during the month, the normal colors are clear to white, and reddish-brown, depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. It is normal to see reddish-brown discharge a few days before or after your period; it simply contains small amounts of blood or uterine lining.

Yellows and greens present in vaginal discharge signal the presence of bacteria in the vagina, much like yellow and green snot signals that you have a cold or flu. I do think that you’re exhibiting symptoms of Trichomoniasis, a vaginal bacterial infection, but it is not something to stress yourself out over. Trichomoniasis affects some three million people in the United States alone and is extremely treatable.

An Itch You Can’t Scratch

Trichomoniasis is considered an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection), but like many STIs, it can be present without symptoms, which suggests how you contracted it in the first place. It is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, and can result in itching, burning, and soreness of the genital area, including the labia and urethra, as well as yellow or green discharge and an unusual smell.

Treat the Trich

The first thing to do is to contact a medical provider. He or she will take a sample and determine whether it is Trichomoniasis, or another type of bacterial infection, such as Bacterial Vaginosis...(see herbal remedy)

If it is determined to be Trichomoniasis, the doctor will prescribe a round of antibiotics, which will clear up the current infection. However, the other sex partner must also be treated, or you risk reinfection. It is important to remember that antibiotics interfere with how well hormonal birth control works so you must use an alternate form of protection during that time. The best option would be a condom, as it prevents you from spreading the infection, as well as protecting you from reinfection and pregnancy!

During treatment (and in general), refrain from using scented washes, deodorants, or douches in and around your genitals, keep the area clean and well-ventilated, try to stick to all cotton underwear, or underwear with a cotton crotch, and sleep in loose-fitting bottoms, or with nothing on at all!

Spring Cleaning

It is normal for the vagina to cleanse itself through secretions. Even when a vagina is free of infection and irritation, it is still constantly shedding its own lining, which results in the discharge you might see in your panties every day.

If you feel that you have too much discharge, or that your vagina could use a boost after this infection, you might consider using an herbal tonic to help balance and restore the environment of your vagina. White Peony is a great tonic for female genital health, and Aquilaria Sinensis is known for its restorative properties.

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Views: 152

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge, Vaginal Infection

Blog ID: 60443

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