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No, Honey, I’m Not Coming: How Birth Control Ruined Her Orgasms

She’s been on birth control for six months and now suffers an interruption in the previously satisfying sex she shared with her husband. To be exact, she can no longer orgasm. Birth control pills and vibrator use have desensitized her nerves, but an herbal remedy will quickly restore healthy sexual responses.
Case #: 1585

My husband and I are both 32 years old and have had a great sex life, but recently I have been unable to have an orgasm. After we read a variety of case studies on the site, we finally came to a conclusion: this is the result of birth control, which I started taking about six months ago. We have tried using a vibrator on my clitoris to see if it would enhance the chances of having an orgasm, but that didn’t change anything at all. We have also tried using different positions, and I get really close but have no orgasm. We are very emotionally and physically attracted to each other, so this isn’t a problem for us. Can you please let us know what will help increase my chances of orgasm? Thank you.

The pill is supposed to make life easier – it frees women from worry of pregnancy so they can enjoy sex whenever and however you want. At least, this is what females expect from oral contraceptives. The truth is that birth control allows women to plan for children but doesn’t consider their sexual needs. It is therefore no wonder that a pill designed to prevent pregnancy also crushes the ability to orgasm.
Looking at the Female Orgasm from Within

To reach orgasm, a woman needs two things: psychological well-being and healthy genitals. We mean the clitoris and vagina when we speak of genitals, and careful stimulation of either can send a woman into paroxysms of pleasure. But no amount of rubbing, licking or stroking will result in orgasm if nerve receptors aren’t sensitive.
Sensitivity starts with the sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These chemicals turn a pre-pubescent body into that of an adult so one can engage in sex in the first place. Unfortunately, birth control pills significantly disrupt these same hormones.
Birth control achieves three tasks that individually impede pregnancy and collectively render it almost impossible. They stop ovulation, create a hostile environment in the uterus and thicken cervical mucus to prevent the free movement of sperm. In so doing, these pills also inactivate testosterone, a chemical necessary to genital sensitivity and high libido in the female body. A lack of this hormone thus explains why you can no longer reach climax.
Vibrators Also Hinder Pleasure

It would be irresponsible not to suggest vibrator use has also damaged your clitoris and vagina. Women of all walks use erotic toys to improve their sex lives and reach the oh-so-difficult big O. But these toys can desensitize nerve endings and put an end to any possibility of orgasm.
The vibrator is a machine without the inherent knowledge given to humans. It does not know when touch has become too intense; nor can a woman understand this when she is lost in the throes of passion. She knows only that she’s coming and in that moment isn’t thinking about nerve damage.
Such damage happens incrementally, meaning a woman slowly increases the pressure and speed of her sex toy to continue reaching the same reward. By the time she realizes she can no longer orgasm, her nerves are completely desensitized. Sex toys are ideal for occasional use but should not be the only means by which a woman orgasms.
Be Kind to Yourself

You’re likely anxious at this point to feel another orgasm. But anxiety only augments the problem and applies unnecessary pressure to intercourse. Take a deep breath, step back from the situation and consider what you can do to improve your sexual health. Remaining calm and considering your options will help you reclaim your pleasure.
If you haven’t already done so, stop taking the pill and explore other options to prevent pregnancy. These include the use of a diaphragm, female condoms and a cervical cap. Also go easy with the vibrator – its direct application to your clitoris will prolong nerve desensitization.
You can repair genital nerve damage with the help of an herbal revitalization formula. Blended with herbs like Horny Goat Weed, Dong Quai and Mexican Wild Yam, this formula stops inflammation around the genitals and stimulates blood flow. (SEE: Clitoral Sensitivity & Passion Enhancement Formula) These combined effects, in addition to new tissue growth, will improve your body’s overall health. Most important to you is the ease with which you’ll climax each and every time your husband touches you.

What to do

Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Most modern career-oriented adults sadly discover that as life gets busier, they (and many other couples) indulge in unsatisfying goal-oriented sex. A ‘quickie’ gets the job done. But all this ‘too much’ and ‘too fast’ can numb a woman’s most..

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Views: 234

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59380

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