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Overactive Bladder in Menopause has Diminished Her Overall Quality of Life

She is under no disillusions when it comes to menopause. At its onset she acknowledged the catalogue of symptoms she would experience, but she wasn’t aware of the bladder problems to ensue. Now she must stop every 30 minutes to use the bathroom, and this schedule is taking its toll on even her job. A botanical remedy for menopausal women will help her regain control of her body and life.

Case #: 1345


When I first started menopause, I knew all the symptoms I would soon experience: hot flashes, low sex drive and even mood swings. I felt them all, each with a different level of severity. But what I never expected to happen were bladder problems. I cannot go a half hour without needing to use the restroom. I can’t work under these conditions, nor can I enjoy the simple things in life. I fear my menopause is the cause of my current state of affairs.


The image that often comes to mind when imagining a woman in the midst of menopause is gray-haired, wrinkled and cranky. But in reality, menopause doesn’t have a face. Nor does it have one characteristic, because this complex process involves so many functions of a woman’s body. The result is a multitude of symptoms, each experienced in varying degrees that can have you laughing one minute and crying the next.

Overactive Bladder on Center Stage

A lot of discussion centers on menopause and its impacts on a woman’s sexual responses. While sex is an important aspect of this life-changing event, it is not the only one that needs attention. Many women between the ages of 40 and 55 also experience overactive bladders. This condition can dictate your entire day, from when you eat and drink to how you take a trip.

Although menopause is the catalyst for overactive bladder, the condition is set in motion by estrogen. This hormone is responsible for maintaining healthy bladder and urethra tissues. Its levels drop significantly before and during menopause, causing the bladder to become thin and dry. Normally composed of thick, strong tissues like those of the vagina, a loss of estrogen leaves the bladder susceptible to irritants that trigger the “I have to go” feeling.

If examined, weak urethral and bladder tissues appear pale and white during menopause instead of lush and pink. Falling levels of estrogen also weaken pelvic muscles that allow for bladder control. The result is incontinence that can strike at any moment and leave a woman vulnerable to the whims of her body.

Other Concerns

Menopausal women also routinely suffer from stress incontinence, marked by urinary leakage as a result of physical activity. Sneezing, coughing and laughing can trigger stress incontinence, meaning women can again fall victim in a variety of social situations. Although it seems counter-productive, females are advised to drink plenty of liquids and often use the restroom in order to strengthen their bladder muscles. Not using those muscles will only add to the weakness.

Menopause is further characterized by fluctuating hormone levels and dramatic mood swings that interrupt daily routines. When a woman finds her body and her life simultaneously disrupted, she’s likely to show temporary signs of depression, anxiety and irritability. Mood swings are further exacerbated by the other symptoms of menopause, including overactive bladder. Being forced to repeatedly stop what you’re doing to use the restroom can be frustrating to say the least. This is one of the reasons why treating menopause symptoms is so important; it helps reduce the overall impact of this life stage so you don’t feel quite so overwhelmed.

Strengthen Your Body

As a middle-aged woman, you must remember to engage in the same activities and pleasures as you’ve always done. Menopause is a life-changing event, but it is definitely not the end of life. Many women find themselves in positions where they can join civic groups, volunteer in their communities or take special interest classes. By turning your focus from the negative and to the positive, you’ll naturally reduce the severity of your symptoms.

You can also improve your physical health with a botanical formula blended specifically for menopausal women. (SEE: Urinary Health Restoration for Menopausal Women) Included in this remedy are herbs to combat the symptoms of overactive bladder. Pumpkin Seed strengthens pelvic muscles, while Mexican Wild Yam balances erratic hormones. With time, you will once more enjoy life without worrying about scheduled trips to the restroom.

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Views: 150

Ideas: Women's, Menopause, Overactive Bladder

Blog ID: 60564

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