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Yeast Infections & UTIs: A Medical Catch-22

It's an unfortunate fact but some ailments result in other conditions seemingly unrelated. Medications, for instance, prescribed for the underlying ailment can often result in a host of new problems.

Case #: 465


I am a follower of Ayurveda medicine an ancient system that utilizes medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for the treatment of various ailments. Consequently I am concerned about choosing a treatment that will suit my constitution.

I am a 33 year-old female and while I feel and I believe look young for my age, poor dental work resulting in infections has caused me to be plagued by both recurring yeast and bladder infections. Additionally, when I am sexually active, I seem to lack the energy to participate in the act wholeheartedly.

FYI, I am also eating ayurvedically and taking herbs and special foods to aid in regaining a balanced system. In addition, I am using aloe gel, Evening Primrose Oil, fresh Deer Antler and fresh coconuts.

Is there anything you can recommend to resolve my situation? While I'd like to stay true to Ayurveda, I am at my wit's end and open to alternative suggestions including mainstream medicine.


Bladder Infections, more commonly known as Urinary Tract Infections, and Yeast infections are the result of similar situations: an improper balance of the healthy bacteria that regulates both systems. In fact, one infection can easily spread its infected bacteria to the other area.

One of the most common causes of both infections simultaneously in Western medicine is the use of antibiotics, which by nature cause of a chance in one's hormone and pH levels. Often when a UTI is diagnosed, a preventative dose of popular antibiotics is prescribed.

The cause of a UTI is fairly simple. When a bladder infection occurs, the proper flow of urine is blocked. Untreated, this can easily lead to a urethra or kidney infection, both conditions causing far serious implications. Because of the difference in the development of our "plumbing," women are more prone to UTIs than men. In fact, it's estimated that half of all women will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime. Because of the increase in sex during honeymoons, UTIs are jokingly referred to as Honeymoon Cystitis.

Common Causes of UTI include:

  • Weak Bladder Immunity
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Birth Control Pills (a common cause of hormonal imbalance)
  • STDs
  • Consistent Use of Antibiotics*
  • Poor Hygiene

*Antibiotic treatments of chronic UTI can cause a bladder infection to become resistant to the medication and result in diminished liver function

A bladder infection or UTI can occur when bacteria enters the urethra and multiplies in the bladder. Inflammation of the lining of the bladder is called cystitis (as in Honeymoon Cystitis) and usually occurs after prolonged sexual intercourse from anal bacteria entering the urethra.

Common Symptoms of a bladder infection include:

  • Frequent and Painful Urination
  • Lower Abdomen Discomfort
  • Pelvic Pressure
  • Strong-smelling Urine

UTI Prevention:
It is paramount that women wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent bacteria from entering the urethra and potentially causing an infection. It is also helpful for women to urinate before and after sex to help flush out any lingering bacteria that might migrate up into the urethra.

The use of condoms also seems to prevent UTIs. Additional food for thought is that women who have fewer sexual partners also have fewer UTIs. And finally, anal sex requires extreme caution to avoid infection even with a condom.

The Connection Between UTIs and Yeast Infections:
The common thread between these two ailments is bacteria, which is usually spread either through improper wiping and after using the toilet during intercourse. For more information about the causes, symptoms and prevention of Yeast infections see Your Guide to Vaginal Infection...(more)

In keeping with your practice of Ayurveda, you might find some relief from the all-natural combination of Cranberry Remedy with Hibiscus (more info). While these herbal supplements are not guaranteed to cure with bladder or yeast infections, you might experience great relief with consistent use.

[More Details +]

Views: 152

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Infection

Blog ID: 59482

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