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Cut Off At The Waist

Her tubal ligation has left her with a flattened clitoris and reduced arousal. This problem has continued for four months and hasn’t gotten better. What can she do to regain arousal and improve her clitoral erections and stimulation?

Case #: 1355


Two years ago, I had a tubal ligation after which I immediately noticed a huge drop in my libido. My clitoris stayed flat and would not get enlarged with blood during sex. Nothing could arouse me. The problem of non-arousal has lasted for 4 months and I hope it will eventually go away.


I’m so sorry to hear about your botched tubal ligation. There are so many hidden issues with that procedure, and so many women go into it, never expecting the results they end up with. That being said, you can solve this problem! The issue is one of improper hormone levels and poor circulation.


The reason why women who undergo tubal ligation sometimes end up having issues with arousal and clitoral engorgement is due to how blood flow to and from the ovaries can potentially be disrupted by the procedure. The ovaries are what control the production of estrogen and progesterone, the two most important hormones to womanhood. However, you also need proper blood flow to the clitoris and vaginal tissues.

Without your clitoris having an appropriate level of blood, it won’t be able to engorge during arousal. Sometimes after tubal ligation, even if most of the circulatory system is intact, the capillaries of the clitoris and vagina can become atrophied, due to the lack of estrogen. This results in poor distribution of the chemical Nitric Oxide, which encourages clitoral erection, something that would create a big problem for you.

Missing You, Hormones

The lack of these two hormones is what is causing your issues with arousal and clitoral engorgement. Estrogen strongly influences arousal, and also controls the health of the entire reproductive area. Without it, circulation goes down, tissue health decreases, and your desire for sex bottoms out.

To get rid of this problem, you need to begin an herbal formula designed to increase your levels of estrogen and progesterone, and to also increase circulation and arousal. For this issue, I recommend phytoestrogens. Should those prove not strong enough to completely reestablish your hormonal order, you might have to try hormonal birth control.

A Safe Solution

I recommend phytoestrogens before other methods, because phytoestrogens are beneficial in a variety of ways, because they are easily found, and because the body processes them easily if they are unneeded.

The method I’m recommending you use to increase your phytoestrogenic level is through an herbal supplement. However, phytoestrogens can also be found in a number of foods you may already eat, such as soy products, beans, and sunflower seeds.

Herbal Relief

This herbal formula contains Black Cohosh and Evening Primrose Oil, two valuable sources of phytoestrogens. In fact, Black Cohosh has been used to treat menopausal symptoms for centuries—which is essentially what you’re experiencing. (SEE: Natural Formula for Sexual Wellness Restoration) Dong Quai and Gingko help to create an optimal reproductive environment through better blood flow and the strengthening and toning of the muscles and tissues. This formula will really benefit you in your search for arousal and clitoral response.

What to do

Female Restorex Plus Formula

Female Restorex Plus formula is composed of many essential herbs that help women recover and find relief from suffering associated with hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunctions and various symptoms of hysterectomy, tipped uterus, vaginal and...

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Views: 189

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 60621

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