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Woman wrote in two years ago experiencing issues reaching orgasm due to a feeling of overstimulation. She began a supplement and now she has the ability to reach orgasm, but is still having issues of night sweats and racing heartbeat. What’s happening?
Case #: 999
I spoke with you about two years ago. I was having trouble getting to orgasm-mostly I would feel over-stimulated like I missed the orgasm, and I was having some pre-menopausal symptoms: night sweats, etc. I used the solutions for 3 months. Now I am much better at having orgasms, although mostly not during intercourse... and I was completely free of the pre-menopausal symptoms... but recently (the last two months) I am waking up completely soaked from sweating, and I am having some racing heartbeats at night.
I’m so glad you were able to solve some of your solutions with our supplements! However, without having taken the supplement for a while, your progesterone levels have decreased to the point that you’re having issues with night sweats and racing heartbeats. To solve this problem, all you have to do is increase your progesterone levels to point where your body will no longer be craving that hormone, and your symptoms will disappear.
Progesterone and the Brain
The reason you’re having night sweats is due to your racing heartbeat, and your racing heartbeat is due to low progesterone levels. Progesterone is a mood lifter for women, and without enough of it, especially during peri-menopause, women begin to experience issues with insomnia, weight gain, stress, panic attacks, and hot flashes. Scientists aren’t sure exactly why low progesterone triggers panic attacks, eg. a racing heart, but it’s been shown that women, and particularly menopausal and peri-menopausal women have an inordinately high amount of them compared to the rest of the population.
Stress Less with More Progesterone
After these panic attacks are triggered, the brain sends a request to the adrenal glands for the production of cortisol. Cortisol is made by a modified form of progesterone, thus, the body needs progesterone to build cortisol, the need for which is triggered by your panic attacks. Hopefully, by increasing the total level of progesterone in your body, your brain will stop initiating panic attacks, and all of your progesterone won’t be sucked into the adrenal glands. This is the first part of your problem.
Chemical Messengers
The second prong of your issue has to do with where progesterone comes from. Progesterone is produced in the ovaries, but as women begin to go through peri-menopause, that production slows down, until the levels of progesterone are fluctuating between normal and very low. The brain senses that there isn’t enough free-floating progesterone, and queries the ovaries for more. The ovaries then release a flood of progesterone into the bloodstream. This process is what causes hot flashes, as the blood vessels throughout the body dilate to allow the messages to pass from the brain to the ovaries and back again. When the brain senses that there is no longer a need to ask the ovaries to make more progesterone, your hot flashes will go away.
Treating the Overheating
To solve your problem, you need to begin taking a supplement high in phytoestrogens. I’m recommending one that contains Mexican Wild Yam, as it has been proven be very beneficial to progesteronic activity in the body. Unfortunately, once a woman reaches a certain point in her life, if she wants to continue her life as it once was, she needs to begin a treatment that is going to help keep her hormones at close to normal levels. Thus, one can’t take a supplement for 3 months and expect the results to continue forever. (TRY: Natural Hot Flash Relief Formula) I’m sure that this compound will help you, but you need to continue introducing plants that are progesterone friendly into your life, or the symptoms will reappear. I wish you good luck with your health!
What to do
Natural Hot Flashes Relief Solution
Because Black Cohosh helps influence serotonin, a hormone produced by the body to elevate mood, the herb can help menopausal women impede mood swings and reduce irritability. .
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