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Unbalanced Body Means No Baby

Woman has been married five years, but has not yet had a child. She knows her husband is virile, as he already has a child from another marriage. However, her menstruation cycles are not regular. Could this be the cause of her infertility?
Case #: 1360

I want to get pregnant. After five years of marriage, I need to be pregnant! I don’t care how fat my belly gets or how swollen my feet become, I want to experience motherhood. I know it’s not my husband’s fault; he does have another child from a previous marriage. Could my infertility be caused by my irregular menstrual cycles?

The short answer to your question is, yes, your fertility could be caused by your irregular menstrual cycles. As a matter of fact, it’s highly likely that that is the root of your problem. When your menstrual cycles are not actually cyclical, it’s a signal that your body’s hormones aren’t in alignment, and they very much need to be so in order to procreate.
You didn’t mention exactly what you mean by irregular menstruation—whether it comes too often, or not often enough, but we can talk about the balance of hormones needed for pregnancy, and the side effects of having too much or too little of specific ones.
Too Much or Not Enough?

Have you been having periods? If you haven’t, a condition known as amenorrhea, you probably have clinically low estrogen levels. Estrogen is necessary for fertility—it builds a nurturing environment inside the uterus that the fertilized egg can latch onto, and it controls ovulation. No estrogen equals no egg.
Have you been having periods, but too many of them and very long and heavy? You don’t have enough progesterone. Too much estrogen causes the body to grow a lot more uterine lining than it needs, and then continue flushing it out for much longer than a normal period. Without progesterone, your body won’t hold onto an egg, and will simply pass it along at the next menstrual cycle.
Tipping the Scales

Once your menstruation cycles even out, you will be able to accurately gauge your best time of the month for fertility, and then give it a shot. Even if you don’t choose to measure your cervical mucus for optimum fertility, you’ll still be much, much, more likely to become pregnant with normalized menstrual cycles.
How does a woman balance her own hormones, if her own body can’t do it? She coerces her body into producing the right hormones, by faking it with some not-hormones. The best source of a compound that acts like a specific hormone, but isn’t one, are phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens have the ability to act as estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, but are truly none of these, and are in fact plant chemicals.
A Strange but Safe Solution

It might sound a bit science fiction to get your dearly needed hormones from a plant, but phytoestrogens have been proven to increase estrogen and progesterone levels in humans. Progesterone inducing phytoestrogens are recommended for women with hot flashes and panic attacks, and can be found in plants like Black Cohosh, Chasteberry, and Mexican Wild Yam. Estrogen inducing phytoestrogens are recommended for women going through the vaginal atrophy portion of menopause, as estrogen determines vaginal health, and can be found in such plants as Soy, Flax Seeds, and Red Clover.
At this time, I think it’s best if you begin an herbal compound designed to balance your menstrual cycles. The remedy I’m recommending contains Chasteberry and Mexican Wild Yam—two of the phytoestrogenic plants I mentioned above, as well as Dong Quai, which is an herb for all-around female health, and Bupleurum, which is a powerful detoxifier. (SEE: Herbal Remedy for Irregular Menstrual Cycle Restoration) Detoxifying your liver and your body will aid you in quickly reestablishing a healthy hormonal stability. I’m sure that by beginning this treatment now, you’ll soon be pregnant. Good luck!

What to do

Natural Solutions For Irregular Menstrual Periods

Herbal formulas can help women with dysfunctional hormonal patterns by realigning their hypothalamic-pituitary axis interaction. Women who have hormonal imbalances caused by irregular periods often experience stagnation of blood and bioenergy flow....

[More Details +]

Views: 101

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility

Blog ID: 62477

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