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Brain Drain – Sleep Loss & Whacking Your Wizard Too Much

Jacking his junk has led this man to snapping on his landlord and now he feels like his new mood swings are spiraling out of control. He’s also tossing and turning at night and can’t seem to get enough sleep. What can he do to resolve these issues?

Case #: 1869


Hi there. I enjoy whacking off! There, I said it. I really like it, I mean I engage in masturbation up to three times per day (and a couple extra times on the weekends).

Lately though, I’ve noticed that I have been becoming very crabby and even went off on my landlord the other day. If that wasn’t bad enough, I’m having trouble falling asleep at night and even if I do I wake up in the middle of the night. I feel like how drug addicts must feel when they abuse drugs, but I’m not even taking any!

I need your advice on this matter so I can sleep at night and also not get kicked out by my landlord!


I’m sure just about everyone has heard of the show Intervention. It chronicles the life of drug addicts with a few anorexics and bulimics thrown into the mix here and there for good measure. Near the end of a show the addict’s loved ones attempt to get the addict in question into treatment and drama erupts as the self-centered addict creates some sort of scene.

Masturbation as a Drug

I was watching one such show the other day and it was about a middle-aged husband who was a methamphetamine abuser AKA tweaker. Even though he had a wife and son he would hide himself in his little make-shift office and blow lines of meth until he was high as a kite. At one point he got into a binge and snorted so much meth that he didn’t go to sleep for four days in a row. He had large dark bags under his eyes and his skin looked grey and mottled looking. Basically he looked like an extra on the set of the AMC series The Walking Dead.


What struck me is that excessive masturbation is also an addiction and can cause a whole plethora of symptoms, among them sleep apnea, similar to our unfortunate friend on the addiction show. If they featured people with food intake disorders why didn’t they have any over-masturbators?

Chronic self-abuse in the form of over-masturbation can affect your brain in ways eerily similar to street drug use, draining it of numerous vital chemicals including dopamine, melatonin, serotonin, and others.

This can trigger the release of prostaglandin E-2 which agitates the pineal gland (deep within the cerebral cortex), and also inflame the eyeballs, causing dilated pupils and sleep loss. Do you ever notice having red, burning eyes when you don’t get enough shut-eye? That’s why. So how do you get over this hump and get back to having a full night of sleep?

Putting Out the Flames

First off, try reducing the frequency of your masturbatory sessions – 3 to 4 times per week is fine but no more than that. This will give your body a chance to recoup some of its sex hormones and neurotransmitters and allow it to start the healing process.

Many men have reported having success in making a full recovery by taking an all-natural supplement called SAM-e. This remedy can assist in the anabolic reaction process of S-Adenosyl methionine within your body, which can help to improve focus and concentration throughout the day for an enhanced state of mind and better moods.

It can also reduce the amount of prostaglandin E-2 inundating your mind and body, calming them and eliminating allowing for the re-establishment of normal sleep cycles. So take action and say goodbye to moodiness, irritability, and sleep loss. The only side-effect will be a fuller, more focused life style, so what are you waiting for?

What to do

Sleep Deprivation Herbal Remedy with SAM-e

By improving melatonin levels and eliminating excess adenosine, men and women can see an increase in sleep damaged by excessive masturbation or sex.

[More Details +]

Views: 95

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 61409

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