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He Is Trying To Elongate From 4 1/2" to 7" By Practicing Jelqing

He was eager to improve the size of his 4 1/2” penis, but nothing was working. Sound familiar? Find out if you're making the same common penis enlargement mistakes.

Case #: 842


My problem is that since my adulthood the size of my penis is 4 1/2". I’ve done some pumps before but no improvement. I read about an article regarding jelqing which they said it would increase the size and girth. I’ve doing jelqing everyday for six months now but still no difference at all and still same size and girth as what before. I really want to increase the length to 7 inches and add up some more girth. Any help or remedy that will increase my penile size (length & circumference) thank you.


Looking to achieve a bigger penis? Hoping to 'wow' the ladies with your monstrous manhood while being the envy of all the men in the gym locker room? Eager to turn your diminutive dong into a penile powerhouse, capable of tearing your jeans at the first sign of erection? If so, then you need Genie in a Bottle.

Found only in the deepest and most unforgiving Arabian deserts, Genie in the Bottle can make all of your deepest genital wishes come true, no stretching required.

Okay, so maybe there are no genies (that we know of), but I can understand your frustration. Most guys are looking for greater size, and it can be frustrating trying to give nature a boost.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: One man uses Jelqing to improve his small, 4-inch penis, instead, this 20-year-old man learns the dangers of the technique. If you tried Jelqing or if you want to grow your penis, learn how to improve your size the right way. For even more help with enlargement, send your comments to us below.

Your Solution: Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview

The first thing you need to understand is that aggressive exercises and vacuum pumps are not only ineffective, but dangerous. For instance, vigorous pumping and stretching can actually rupture the sensitive blood vessels and contribute to tissue damage. So even if you do achieve long-term growth (which you won't), your increased size won't do you much good if the machinery itself is only working at 60 percent.

The Real Penis Enlargement Solution

If you want to achieve real, lasting, meaningful growth, you need change the way in which you look at penis enlargement. Your penis isn't a lump of clay, and you're not going to expand it by stretching it. Rather, it's a highly complex organ managed by a series of important hormones and chemicals like testosterone, DHEA, nitric oxide and HGH. If you want to promote penile growth, don't focus on the skin between your legs.

Focus on the chemicals and molecules that give it life. If you wanted your computer to run faster, you wouldn't get anywhere by slapping or shaking the monitor. You would need to modify the hardware inside. And that's what we need to do.

Herbal Supplements – A Hardware Upgrade for Your Reproductive System

If you want to achieve growth from within, consider how the right herbs can help nature along. (TRY: Botanical Concoction for Penile Growth) Cistanche promotes increased blood flow to the penis, Cuscuta increases nitric oxide production, Deer Antler increases HGH and testosterone, and Fo Ti boosts overall hormone production. Working together, these herbs can give you fuller erections and promote new tissue growth, while at the same time repairing tissue that has already been compromised or damaged. So try an herbal remedy containing these ingredients, go easy on the masturbation, and save the stretching for yoga class.

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis. Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks. With this formula, you can safely grow your penis without the added risks.

[More Details +]

Views: 118

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 61220

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