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Her Orgasm Is an Ouch-gasm!

Woman experiences pain upon reaching an orgasm with her husband. Her doctor prescribed antibiotics, but the situation remained the same. Why does she have this pain upon climax? And what can she do to fix it?

Case #: 1282


I am a lady, aged 33. I have a problem that I don’t know how to solve at the moment. Every time I have sex with my husband, I have pain after reaching an orgasm. I visited my doctor about the issue, and he gave me some antibiotics, which I took for 10 days, but proved useless. Can you suggest anything for my problem? You have helped so many people, and I am hoping that you will be able to assist me, too.


It is actually much more common than you would think for women to experience pain upon reaching an orgasm, although the cause is not always clear. For some women, the pain stems from endometriosis, or cysts; for others, because of hormonal changes that result from menopause or because of a weakening of the tissues and muscles in the reproductive region. In each event, NSAIDs allay the pain, but cause an excess of prostaglandins that lead to pain.

NSAIDs, or, Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, prohibit the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones occasionally formed at the site of injury as prostaglandin E2, a chemical reaction that produces pain.

Your body cannot properly deal with the movement of your uterus after an orgasm. You might not be aware that the uterus does a sort of fluttering motion at the moment of an orgasm. Biological anthropologists postulate that this movement encourages more semen to reach the egg. However, for some women, the resettling of the uterus after sex can cause the muscles and tissues of the genital region to feel stretched and strained, resulting in the pain you feel.

A Girl’s Best Friend

Two methods reduce the pain you feel at an orgasm. Your short-term solution may include taking NSAIDs before sex. The active component in the drugs bonds with the cyclooxygenase instead of the actual prostaglandin-forming chemical, thus the prostaglandins are never formed, and you remain pain-free! Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen all function as NSAIDs.

What to do

Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification Formula

Antibiotics and birth control pills can alter the balance of the ‘friendly’ micro flora that subsists in the vagina. Pathogens from these drugs can result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, with symptoms ranging from abnormal discharge,...

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Views: 100

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 60622

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