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Is It The Vibrator Or Me

Learn how a woman with a healthy libido believes her boyfriend is the cause of her vaginal pain, and what he thinks the problem really is.
Case #: 1205

I see my girlfriend as having the mind of a man, but the body of a Victoria Secret model. She drinks beer, swears like a sailor, and watches more sports than I do. And her sex drive, wow, her sex drive puts most men to shame. While she and I engage in plenty of sex, she has a small problem—vaginal pain.
According to her, every thrust generates a sharp pain. She feels as if the pain is going to cause her skin to tear apart. She thinks the pain is caused by the size of my penis; I think it’s because of all the sex and vibrator usage. Who’s right in all of this?
Every girl needs a little buzz in her life every now and then, but there is such a thing as too much of the good vibrations. When a woman uses a vibrator to an almost abusive extent, it can do some serious damage to the lining of the vagina, cervix, and clitoris.
Bad Vibrations

Vaginal scarring or swelling may occur in the clitoral region, which could lead to over-stimulation. Subsequently, the amount of high sensitivity that stems from the clitoris being overly stimulated will cause the nerves at the opening of the vagina to grow larger than normal. When those nerves grow bigger, even the most feathered of touches will feel as if the area is being cut or burned.
What's The Buzz

I believe it's safe to say, unless your sexual organs vibrate, you're in the clear on this one. Though I don't believe your considerable size is the basis of her pain, it may be a contributing factor. Because your girlfriend has stimulated her neuro endocrine system to the max, production of stress hormones are allowing an over-growth of nerve endings. In order to reverse this effect, the hormones must become balanced once more. Otherwise, the sexual organs will become thin and dry. They will also lose a considerable amount of elasticity.
The easiest way to balance out the stress hormones is by utilizing estrogen. Estrogen is what keeps our vaginal tissues well lubricated and healthy. A well lubricated vagina will help to prevent inflammation and permanent scarring.
How Can I Reverse

Firstly, and most importantly, I would highly recommend for your girlfriend to put down the vibrator for a while. Using it at this point would only increase the nerve damage. I would also urge you to abstain from sex for a short while, so that her vaginal tissues have the proper rest and healing time. The last thing you'd want is to continue agitating the already damaged nerve endings with sexual intercourse.
During this term of abstinence, she should use a formula that contains natural herbs such as Turkey Rhubarb and Ligustrum. (TRY: Natural Solution for Vaginal Restoration & Detoxification) These herbs will help to expel any harmful toxins roaming the body, and will also help to correct her current hormonal imbalance. They do this by replenishing the body with neurotransmitters that are crucial to the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues.

What to do

VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Abusing a vibrator can trigger chronic elevation of prolactin, dopamine-norepinephrine or epinephrine conversion, leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. Vibrator abuse can accelerate aging of the vagina,...

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Views: 167

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 60617

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