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Huiyin Massage with Middle Finger

Many TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioners would tell you that Huiyin is one of the key points for the Ren Meridian, also known as the Functional Energy Channel, that energizes the bio-energy from under the pubic bone and continues up through the center to the front center line of the body.

Benefits & Applications:
  • Stimulate penile tissue for a bigger size
  • Improve blood circulation to fix Peyronie Disease (Curvature of Penis)
  • Help to stop excessive precum (pre-ejaculate) leaking out
  • Help to recover penis injury caused by improper use of penis pump, penis exercise, or penis stretching devices 

Huiyin’s sensory point, many believe to be an X-spot, also connects the bio-energy from the tip of the coccyx and rises up through the spinal column. Chi Kong and Reiki healers often concentrate and channel the bio-energy from the Huiyin to circulate the bio-energy circuit so that more can be directed out to the palms and toward the patient in the process of healing.

Massaging the Huiyin sensory point can also help to stop Leaky Penis, Seminal Leakage, Urinary Incontinence, as well as reduce the symptoms of an Overactive Bladder for men with active lifestyles.

How To Do It

  1. Sanitize your hand
  2. Use your middle finger to locate the middle intersection between the anus and the root of the scrotum
  3. Apply pressure lightly to the spot. Lightly perform a circular motion using your middle finger for five minutes
  4. To channel the bioenergy out of the Huiyin and circulate it through the Ren and Du Meridian, inhale and exhale slowly. Focus the energy flow from the Huiyin up to the midline of the abdomen, right below the umbilicus. This step is for advance practitioners. Check back later, we will post a video soon.

Huiyin is a sensory spot for the branch of the perineal nerve, perineal artery and vein. It even features additional benefits that many males should know about: it rejuvenates and stimulates the growth of penile tissues!

Huiyin Massage Technique Works Best With:

Along with massaging the Huiyui sensory point, take penile tissue nourishing herbs in a formula to enhance the results. Herbs that help galvanigalvanize Huiyui are Prunus Africana, Curculigo Orchioides, Sarsaprilla Jamaican, Eurycoma Longifolia, Morinda Officinalis, Avena Sativa, Cassia Bark, Juniperus Brasiliansis, Tribulus Terrestis, and Epimedium found in these remedies:

Many researchers are still undergoing studies on how these herbs provide the necessary rejuvenation factors for explosive penile growth and recover from Peyronie's Disease.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63685

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