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PMS Control By Red Clover

You’ve heard the stories before about severe PMS symptoms. You may have experienced the exasperating headaches, the violent mood swings, the painful cramps and the draining fatigue. You’re tired of experiencing the same mentally exhausting symptoms month after month.

Aspirin can help alleviate headaches while numbing the pain, but taking in excess can lead to other known issues, including hormonal imbalances. Aspirin can help temporarily alleviate the pain, but symptoms will always return in the same severe fashion. Instead, Red clover blossoms can alleviate the pain and help reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Red Clover Red Clover Please Be Our Red Savior
Found peppered throughout Europe, Red clover serves as an all-natural estrogen booster. During menstruation, women experience a sudden decrease in prolactin, which causes a severe hormone imbalance. Women who experience drastic hormone imbalances often suffer from more severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Headaches come on a bit stronger. Cramps sting just a little bit more. Even mood swings occur more often.
Red clover helps combat the following PMS symptoms:
  • Hot flashes
  • Sore breasts
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
Red clover contains isoflavones that help provide essential nutrients to the body, including vitamin C, thiamine and potassium that help reduce PMS symptoms. It is thanks to the isoflavones that Red clover can act as a natural hormone stimulant ideal for balancing the body’s hormone levels during menstruation.   

Effective Herbal Solutions For PMS Problems:
Hormonal imbalance can prove to be very disturbing. If you suffer from severe symptoms of PMS, try herbal formula containing cramp bark and other power natural herbs:
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Views: 133

Ideas: Women's, PMS Problems

Blog ID: 63650

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