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Can Orgasms Ruin Health?

He and his wife engage in sex several times a week. Now, the husband feels sex could lead to a flurry of health issues.

Case #: 31041


I have been married for two years now, and as you would expect from a newlywed couple, we engage in sex—a lot. Every chance we are together we try to have sex. From sunrise to sunset, we engage in it. Whether we are too tired—or hungry—we enjoy the euphoria and elation sex brings us.

However, when my wife is not home, I tend to get a bit too excited. Too calm my nerves, I tend to masturbate when she is not around. I jerk off before she gets home. I masturbate in the bathroom. I’ll even masturbate right before I leave for work. Now, I feel that all my incessant sexual activities have caused my current predicament: headaches and nausea. Each time after I ejaculate, I notice my headaches and nausea return. It’s like my body is screaming for a break, but I love sex too much to stop. Could too much sex be a health concern?


When done in abundance, sex is dangerous. Sex can offer a stress-reliving activity that can fill you with elation. Still, it presents a serious health risk to both men and women. Here’s a small breakdown of some possible side effects over-masturbation and sex can produce in men and women:

  • Dry vagina
  • Eye floaters
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Inflammation to the body, including back and knees
  • Impotence
  • Low libido
  • Nausea and headaches
  • Vaginal and clitoral insensitivity
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Weak erections
  • Weak vaginal tissue

The above-mentioned problems are common issues experienced by men and women in a state of sexual exhaustion. Remember, sex and masturbation require chemical reactions to power an erection, produce vaginal fluid and drive the libido. When you engage in too much sex, these chemical reactions cannot take place.

Depletion of Neurochemicals
As mentioned earlier, sex is one giant chemical reaction. Hormones relax the muscles, heal the body after sex and power your sex drive. Sex, however, depletes these hormone levels. Each time you masturbate or engage in intercourse with your wife, your body exudes these neurochemicals. Meanwhile, the body works overtime to produce more semen, more testosterone and more neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine) to keep the sex drive going.

Once the body becomes fatigued, it reduces the production of necessary hormones and neurotransmitters. The disappearances of your sex drive may be one of several problems caused by a lack of serotonin and acetylcholine in the brain. Depletion of these two neurotransmitters can cause moodiness, back problems, weak erections, premature ejaculations, nausea and headaches, common symptoms of sexual exhaustion.

Take A Break
Restoring the proper balance of serotonin and acetylcholine is the key to seeing headaches and nausea symptoms disappear. How can you restore these essential neurochemicals? Stop having sex for a while. Yes, this sound like punishment—and the wife will be displeased when you tell her your plan, but abstinence is necessary. Taking a break from sex will allow the body to produce the necessary amount of hormones and neurotransmitters needed for sex. Meanwhile, the liver will be able to provide the body the necessary nutrients to generate more neurochemicals.

The body may be able to stabilize the production of vital neurochemicals, but the process may take weeks. If you’re looking to return to sexual activity as soon as possible, then all-natural supplements may help. Think of these products as super-enhanced vitamins and minerals that will give your body the necessary ingredients to produce more hormones and neurotransmitters.

[More Details +]

Views: 98


Blog ID: 62594

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