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Vaginal Spaz Attack

Learn about a woman who suffers from vaginal spasms during intercourse, and what she can do to prevent them.

Case #: 768


My boyfriend and I have been trying new moves in the bedroom. We constantly try new techniques. And lately, our sex life has improved. We cannot get enough of each other. But this new position that we tried, well, it hurt—a lot. After I tried it, I felt a small spasm in my vagina. When we had sex again, I felt the return of that same spasm. Now, whenever I have sex, I experience the same stinging sensation. What’s wrong with me?


One of the best parts of being in a healthy-committed relationship is trying out new things together. I personally love reaching new heights of sexual exploration with my significant other, however, sometimes we run into complications. Exploring each other’s fantasies is something I would definitely urge every couple to try out. Not only will you have a great time throughout the process, you'll also have a deeper understanding for each other emotionally.

Sexual Curiosity

The only real down fall of this type of experimentation is the possibility of injury. There's always the rare chance of a penile bruising, a strained back, or vaginal spasm. When these unfortunate things do happen, it's important to have the issue addressed as soon as possible.

Vaginal Spasm

The reason why your PC muscles are now tensing up during intercourse is because the vaginal tissues are in dire need of relaxation. Most likely your body has not been producing the proper amount of the hormone prostaglandin E1. This hormone is crucial to the elasticity of the vagina. This problem occurs when the vagina's blood flow is not circulating correctly. An intake of excessive blood sugar, high progesterone levels, or too much prolactin can also have the same effect on the female form.

There are a number of factors that could potentially lead to the hormonal divergence of prostaglandin E1. If you have recently begun a new cycle of birth control or any other prescribed medication this could possibly be the reason why. Other contributing factors include, but are not limited to; C-section, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or rough sex.

How To Heal

Firstly, I would recommend steering clear of the sexual position that caused your vagina to spasm with pain. I would also suggest abstaining from penetrative intercourse for at least a solid week. During that time you may practice the Finger Plier Screwing Technique either on yourself, or have your partner massage the area using this technique for you.

During these massage sessions I would recommend using an herbal cream around the clitoris to increase blood flow to the area and to promote better blood circulation. Various fish oils can also help to raise the level of prostaglandin E1 and nitric oxide production.

Once you do begin to engage in sexual intercourse again, I would urge you to stay away from anything acrobatic for a while. Your vaginal muscles and tissues need time to heal and build up its reserve of prostaglandin E1 once more.

[More Details +]

Views: 169

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 62299

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