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Exercises for the Mind, Body…and Penis? He Needs Kegels to Exert Control Over Premature Ejaculation

Despite embarrassment, he admits to premature ejaculation. He knows he’s not pleasing female partners during sex, and he himself is dissatisfied although he always reaches orgasm. He’s willing to try something new to help him last longer, but he doesn’t want a cock ring or other device. Kegel exercises are therefore the clear solution.
Case #:1951

I am 28 years old and have a serious problem: I ejaculate way too quickly during sex. It’s beginning to make me feel self-conscious…I can’t last more than 10 minutes. I don’t want to be a total disappointment to the women I sleep with. Besides, sex should be a two-way street, and I’m not pleasing any female at this point. I want to take control of my body, but I’m not willing to wear anything on my penis to help me last longer. I don’t want a cock ring or other device – I’m afraid that would draw more attention to my problem and make me feel worse. Is there another option to help me control when I come?

Making love is a little like sampling a fine wine. Some people want to sip slowly, roll the liquid around their mouths and swallow carefully. Others care less about the taste and more about the effect – they’re going for a buzz and don’t care if the wine is fine or not. People take similar approaches to sex and either revel in the whole body experience or rush to orgasm. Sometimes both partners want nothing more than an orgasm, hence the word “quickie.” A combination of quickies and slow, sensual lovemaking is the healthiest approach.
For some, however, the pleasure of sex isn’t a choice. Like you said, men dealing with premature ejaculation cannot control when they orgasm. According to the National Male Medical Clinics, some men reach climax within one minute of penetration. These males suffer from clear-cut cases of premature ejaculation. Others routinely lose control of themselves and cannot resist the urge to orgasm.
Finding the Cause

Premature ejaculation (PE) can strike at any age. Men as young as 17 and as old as 69 can be afflicted so don’t think this is an age-specific condition. It is also not uncommon; around 20 percent of all men will at some point deal with PE.
PE is not a disease, nor is it a reflection of physical shape; even the healthiest, most well-toned males can fall victim to PE. That brings us most to ask one question: what on earth causes this condition?
The answers are diverse and depend on the male at-hand. Some feel performance anxiety that inhibits their sexual responses. These guys worry they’re not good enough, so they rush to climax as a means to an end. If you fall into this category, don’t feel bad. Many men set their expectations at impossibly high standards. Others worry what a partner is thinking in terms of sexual quality and penis size. The bottom line is that thoughts outside of pleasure take your head out of the moment. Then you come, and the sexual experience is finished.
Stress and mental fatigue also increase your chances of developing PE. If your mind is focused on problems at work or a relationship concern, you’re definitely not thinking about sex – even when you’re in the moment. Physically, some men have oversensitive penis glans that cannot withstand the stimulation provided by sex. That very stimulation leads to orgasm, but too much pleasure too soon causes PE.
Smart Men do Kegels

When you think of Kegel exercises, you probably think of women. (TRY: Kegel Exercises for Ejaculation Control) However, men perform this same exercise to improve their sex lives. If you’re skeptical, consider this: men and women both have pelvic floors. The male pelvic floor supports a number of functions, including healthy bowel movements, bladder control and normal sexual responses.
A 2004 study from the University of Bristol confirmed Kegel exercises can improve sensations during sex and enhance blood flow to the penis for harder, firmer erections. For you, this means greater control of your ejaculation so you don’t come too quickly. But take care: you should never perform Kegels with a full bladder, and overworking pelvic floor muscles can actually increase incidents of PE. Simply follow our guidelines, repeat three times a day and take your sex life in an entirely new direction: prolonged pleasure for you and your partner.

What to do

Kegel Exercises for Premature Ejaculation - Step by Step

Strengthen your P.C. muscles with Kegel to stop premature ejaculations

[More Details +]

Views: 168

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 61772

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