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No Deep Sea Diving Here: He Likens His Wife’s Vaginal Odor to That of a Fish

His wife’s strong stench reminds him of a fish. She explains it’s caused by discharge and menstruation, but he wants a solution so they can once more enjoy oral sex.

Case #: 1539


Sorry to bug you there, but I have a question, and I hope you might be able to answer me. My wife sometimes has a really bad smell in her vagina, almost like fish. She says it is because of discharge and/or her period. I love having oral sex with my wife, but sometimes the stench is just too much. I can hardly enjoy it. Do you have any suggestions to help her get rid of that smell?


Vaginal odor is a difficult topic to discuss, and yet it undeniably influences health and sexual functioning. The first thing you should know is that every vagina smells slightly different – there is no universal odor a woman should emit. Also, the vagina’s environment constantly changes because of fluctuations in hormones and diet. Those changes directly impact odor, so your wife is right when she suggests discharge and/or menstruation can be blamed for certain unpleasant smells. But your concern about eliminating stench is valid, because a clean vagina should attract rather than repel male attention.

Nature’s Pleasant Odors

One quality you can always depend on from the vagina is a musky scent caused by numerous oil and sweat glands located there. These glands become more active depending on weather temperature, clothing and a woman’s physical activity. It is therefore completely normal for the vagina to smell muskier than usual following an intense workout.

You might also notice a metallic scent coming from your wife’s nether-regions on certain occasions. Don’t be alarmed – this, too, is normal. It is caused by blood mixing with the vagina’s natural tissues. Many women experience this odor just before or immediately after their periods.

The foods your wife eats can also influence the way she smells. Citrus fruits tend to create a sweet smell in the vagina, while strong foods like onions and garlic cause foul odors. This effect can be modulated by encouraging your wife to eat yogurt and other foods rich in probiotics. These promote the growth of healthy flora and regulate the vagina’s pH levels so odors are less intense.

Smells that Raise Red Flags

The chief culprit of unpleasant vaginal odors is bacterial vaginosis, caused by an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria. Keep in mind various colonies of flora reside in the vagina. If your wife is under great stress, doesn’t eat a balanced diet or suffers from weak immunity, “bad” flora can overtake the “good” at any point. This skews the vagina’s delicate pH balance and results in a strong, fishy odor.

Yeast infections afflict women of all ages – some more than others – and also cause unpleasant odors. Most noticeable is the smell of yeast, which can only be described as faintly bread-like. Your wife will know she has such an infection when she experiences uncomfortable itching, burning and thick, white discharge on top of the odor.

Even in the absence of infection, a woman can still emit a foul odor. Hygiene plays a crucial role in how the vagina smells. This is not to say your wife is unseemly, but the vagina is a complex organ with a lot of intricate parts. In addition, most women think they need expensive and chemical-laden products like douches, sprays and wipes in order to be clean. These products can contribute to infections and compound unpleasant odors. Your wife will feel cleaner and smell fresher if she simply washes with warm water and gentle soap.

An Incomparable Solution

At this point, it’s understandable you want to help your wife smell better down there. The Ancient Chinese believed a woman’s personality was reflected in her odor. They thus developed multiple products that helped ladies be as clean and fragrant as possible.

One of the most effective of these products is a blend known as the Sweet Secret of Princess Aroma. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Vaginal Foul Smell Recovery) It incorporates numerous herbal ingredients to cleanse the vagina and protect its delicate environment. It even stimulates glandular production of glucose so oral sex is as sweet as possible. Your wife will smell delicious without a hint of her previous foul odor.

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Views: 87

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Odor

Blog ID: 60633

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