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Losing the Magic Touch – When Masturbation No Longer Does the Trick

Masturbation once helped to relieve his stress, but now it's leaving him empty and unfulfilled. What happened? More importantly, what can be done? Learn the surprising facts about the dangers of over-masturbation.

Case #: 750


I don’t punch a punching bag or exercise to allay my stress. I masturbate. And for a man with a high-stress job, I masturbate A LOT. Before work I masturbate, and after work, I put my penis through a rigorous workout regimen. But after all this masturbation, I still feel moody and stress. I used to be able to masturbate with and alleviate all of my stress, but no more. What’s wrong?


Yes, your story is all too familiar. For many guys, masturbation is like smoking. Whenever you're tired, stressed, overworked, under-sexed, depressed, happy or just need to clear your mind, you turn to your mood enhancer of choice and let all of your problems float away. Well, chronic masturbation may not give you lung cancer, emphysema or stained teeth (unless you have some VERY sick sexual habits), but it has some consequences of its own, not the least of which is diminished satisfaction from the activity itself. What once relieved stress is now causing severe mood swings.

Masturbation – The Law of Diminishing Returns

Not to beat the chemical dependency metaphors to death, but masturbation is sort of like a drug. You've heard the phrase “chasing the dragon,” particularly as it refers to narcotics addicts. After a while, you don't get the same high anymore, so you pump even more chemicals into your body in order to achieve the magical high that you once knew. If you enjoy chronic masturbation, you'll definitely be chasing the dragon before long, especially when that dragon isn't breathing fire quite like it used to (I swear, no more cheesy metaphors).

Let's break it down. Masturbation feels great because it causes a release of pleasurable chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, GABA. These feel-good neurotransmitters can relax you, relieve stress, manage pain and even quell your social anxieties. But they're not in infinite supply. If you masturbate constantly, you deplete these chemicals faster than your body can replenish them, so the relief that you once relied upon is now nowhere to be found.

As if that wasn't annoying enough, over-masturbation also causes your body to over-produce stress hormones like cortisol, which in excess can cause feelings of stress, anxiety, mood swings, and general unease. To sum it up simply, your hormones are out of balance, and until you restore that balance, you're not going to achieve the same level of masturbatory satisfaction that once carried you through the day.

Restoring Balance

The solution should be fairly obvious if I haven't lost you yet. You need to cut way back on the masturbation. If you use the activity for ongoing mood management, you're going to end up feeling worse off than if you just allowed all of the daily nonsense to run its course.

Take a short break from masturbation, and then limit the activity to a few times a week. If you need help managing your stress, there are some great herbal remedies formulated for mood stabilization. (SEE: Herbal Mood Stabilizers) These remedies are all-natural and pharmaceutical free, and they contain helpful botanicals like Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus Membraneous, Griffonia Simlicifolia. So take care of your penis, and don't let the stresses of life get you down.

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观看次数: 85


笔记编号: 60565

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