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Penis Numbness - Caused by Penis Pain & Injury

No sensation? No love! Although visual stimulus may excite men, it’s the sensations created by the touching and rubbing motions that are needed to transmit biofeedback from the brain to the endocrine system. It’s this communication that calls for the release of more testosterone to fuel a hard erection and sexual aggressiveness. Men who suffer from penis numbness are virtually in the ‘same boat’ as women who fake orgasms in order avoid embarrassment or damaging their relationship with their love one. They’re just not feeling it!
Fractures caused during sexual intercourse, or by either overuse of potentially dangerous sex toys, excessive exercising and stretching, or unsafe use of pumps, can all result in scar fibrous tissue formation that leads to a noticeable decrease of penile sensitivity.

Like calluses on an over-worked hand, thick scar tissue forms as natural protection against frequent laborious use. When this happens to the penis, a loss of sensation is inevitable. When a penis has suffered an injury, such as a fracture, the subsequent cylinder rupture doesn’t always heal properly – even after surgery. A common resulting complication is the decrease of sensitivity, or numbness of the penis.

If you experience dulled penile sensation, but have not endured a fracture or injury as cited above, seek immediate medical attention. Otherwise, be comforted by the fact that, although you may have overworked your penis or suffered an injury, there are a number of natural treatments that are greatly effective in restoring all the sensitivity you may have lost as a result of your trauma.

Massage your X-spot and take herbs from Penile Injury & Damage Repair formula to stimulate the recovery of damaged nerve endings, arouse the production of neurotransmitters, and provide the nutrients that your body needs for complete repair.

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