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Do You Think My Habitual Pot Smoking And Unhealthy Lifestyle Are The Cause For My Bony Penis?

Here we find a gentleman that has been having a little too much self-sexy time with Mr. Happy and this has resulted in a shrinking member. In addition to this he indulges in “pot smoking” which is also a no-no. How can he turn things around?

Case #: 1153


I have a 6.25 inch bony penis with not enough girth. I would like to know what you think is the best, safest, and most natural way it increase the size of my penis to 7.5 with a good size girth or better. I masturbate 2x a day, light drinker and a once a weeker with pot smoking. I noticed that my penis shrunk a bit throughout the years. I feared that it might be due to my bad hibits. What do you suggest would be my best choices without any major side effects or surgeries and with results that will last? Thanks.


People like to masturbate for any number of reasons; as a way to relax, relieve stress, get a good night’s sleep, or fantasize about someone we want to become involved with or have been with in the past. Masturbation can be a wonderful thing, and it even helps to keep your pipes down there healthy and reduces the chance of developing yeast infections. But indulged in too often, things can go wrong and can even lead to unhealthy shape penis and shrinkage too.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: Smoking marijuana ruined his penis size making his penis skinnier and smaller

Your Solution: Massage and Nourish X-Spot For Bigger Penis Size

Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview

Plague of Penile Plaque

Penis shrinkage can occur naturally from such factors as aging, too much weight gain, and even stress and anxiety, but it can also happen when you play with your member excessively. Masturbating 3 or 4 times per week is standard, however twice a day is definitely crossing the line over into self-abuse.

Imagine your penis as a bike tire, and this tire was attached to a bike that traversed the Mojave Desert in a race. The intense heat of the desert eventually caused the tire’s inner tubing to become rigid and not as flexible as the outer area and as a result the tire wore down and shrank. Well that’s essentially what is happening when you over chronically masturbate without giving your body time to repair itself; scar tissue builds up in the normally flexible fibrous sheath within your penis, not allowing the tiny interconnected penile chambers to fully engorge with blood during arousal. Plaque can also develop around the openings of these chambers, clogging them up and preventing proper blood flow. So how do we get you and your penis back into the race?

Switching Gears

Since you are in a highly addictive stage of excessive masturbation, gradually reducing the frequency of playtime might be wise. You can engage in it 7 times per week for the first week, then 6 times per day for the second week, and so on until you are down to 3 to 4 times per week. Finding another hobby besides pot smoking could help as well, since marijuana raises the amount of inflammatory prostaglandin E-2 in your body which constricts your blood vessels, therefore not allowing your penis to engorge with as much blood as normal. It also has been proven to lower your sperm count.

Special rejuvenating and nourishing botanical remedies and specialized penis massaging techniques can really get you back on the path to having a larger penis. (SEE: X-Spotify Your Penis for Growth) This combination of inner and outer stimulation can activate natural growth factors as well as reduce your raging prostaglandin E-2 levels. Not only that, but you could also see penile growth occur as these methods promote androgen hormone and neurotransmitter production and dissolve the plague and scar tissue that has formed. So take a natural, harmless path back into the race!

What to do

Massage and Nourish X-Spot For Bigger Penis Size

If you want a method to increasing your penile size, Massage Your X-Spot regularly. This technique is for:

  •  Men who experience plaque building up inside the penis that causes 10 percent of shrinkage or more
  • Restore back shrunk penis size...
[More Details +]

Views: 193

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 61533

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