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Fighting 40s: Increasing Penis Size During Midlife

He’s on his way to over-the-hill, but isn’t giving up the fight for a bigger penis yet. However, the supplements he’s using just aren’t doing the trick. What’s the problem and why isn’t he garnering the results he desires?
Case #: 1894

I just hit the big 4-0 and I’ve been noticing difficulties with my penis. I’ve been trying to increase the size of my penis for several months, and I’ve tried a few products recommended for men my age, but so far I haven’t noticed any difference. What’s going on?

It really depends what type of products you’re using, as far as results go. However, one thing’s for sure: once you head into your forties, you can expect testosterone levels to drop significantly. The scientific name for this process is viropause, or the converse of menopause. Viropause can create big problems for any man trying to increase the size of his penis, enjoy a high libido, or do any sort of bodybuilding. Testosterone is necessary for all three of these activities, and many, many more in the life of a man.
Houston, We’re Going Down!

Plenty of things besides age can negatively impact testosterone production, especially diet. From a diet high in meats (due to the potential presence of growth hormones that act as estrogens in the male body) to heavy beer drinking (false estrogens again), testosterone is prevented from its full range of action. In a man of forty, I don’t think I’m far wrong in assuming that your diet includes regular servings of meat and beer, a possible reason for your testosterone dearth.
Pump Up the Volume (Of Testosterone)

Before you can see results with any type of enlargement product, you must first restore your missing levels of testosterone. Testosterone is produced both in the adrenal gland and in the testes, but to a much larger degree in the latter, where it is created from cholesterol. Note: this isn’t carte blanche to go on a fatty foods diet!
No, what you need to do is to simply introduce a little more testosterone into your body. There are a variety of heavy-hitting products that tout powerful penile plumping abilities—mainly because they are more than the usual ingredients used to stimulate growth and erections. (TRY: Natural Enlargement for Males 35+) The type of product you want to look for is one that contains both ingredients such as nitrous oxide, and a smidgen of testosterone.
Be Safe, Not Sorry

Don’t go for products that claim huge percentages of testosterone. Too much testosterone is dangerous for your body, and especially your testosterone-producing units: the testes. Too much of a good thing, and you’ll wind up shrinking your baby makers.
An easy way to increase testosterone is to begin weight training. The benefits are two-fold: firstly, muscle exertion increases testosterone production naturally, and secondly, it burns fat. The more fat you have on your body, the more estrogen you have floating around. While it’s normal for women to have a bit of testosterone, it is bad news for men to have estrogen in theirs. It simply takes up room where testosterone would normally be employed, doing terrifying things like causing man breasts and balding.
Easy As Pie

All of that being said, a change in diet, some weight training, and a powerful product are all you need to begin seeing results in your penile growth experiment. If you start today, I’m sure you’ll soon be wowing your wife in the bedroom. Good luck!

What to do

Products for Males Over 35: A Solution for Enlargement

In the early

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Views: 179

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 61172

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