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Recovering From Premature Ejaculation with Taoist's Technique

A male who was once masturbating abusively has since stopped and found relief by using anal breathing techniques. He is worried that by not masturbating his testosterone levels may be rising and causing harm to his body.

Case #: 433


Before trying out the Tao's Technique, I was suffering from severe premature ejaculation problems. At times, my problems were so severe that I would ejaculate even if I hugged a woman. I am pretty sure my problem comes from my years of abusive masturbation. I would masturbate several times a day, any chance I got. It consumed my life and I barely had time to think about or do anything else. I have since stopped masturbating so often and I am healthy, happy and full of sexual endurance. But, I am still concerned that by not ejaculating as often as I used to, my body is storing excess testosterone levels. Will the added levels of testosterone cause any harm to my body?


It sounds like the Taoist's Natural Ejaculation Control Technique has helped with your premature ejaculation problems. Premature ejaculation is an embarrassing and sometimes debilitating problem that many men face. As you know, there are numerous techniques that can help with premature ejaculation and make you last longer during sex. As for your testosterone concerns, you do not have to worry about your high levels causing any harm to your body.

Testosterone Levels

Your testosterone levels play an important role in your sex life. When you ejaculate, whether it be during sex or masturbation, your body is forced to convert testosterone into DHT. If too much of your testosterone is converted to DHT, there is not enough testosterone left in your body to allow you to have a libido or form erections. Allowing the DHT to build up in your system will ensure that there is enough testosterone in your body to allow for sexual activity. It will also help with penis growth and sexual recovery.

Masturbating excessively means the testosterone is converted much more quickly than normal, thus lowering your testosterone levels. It is only when your testosterone levels drop to very low levels that you will experience a deficiency in acetylcholine and serotonin. These hormones are responsible for ejaculation and erections. If you can learn to control your release, you can allow just the right amount of DHT to be converted and turn your body into a prime sexual machine.

Controlling Your Release

The Taoist's Technique will help you control your release. Although you should control your ejaculation, you shouldn’t feel as if you can never ejaculate. They key to creating the perfect symphony of hormones in your body is to limit the amount of ejaculations you have each week so you do not become sexually exhausted. This gives your body enough time to recover and regulate hormone levels in between ejaculations, making sure your hormone levels are not depleted to extremely low levels.

If you feel like your erections are not strong or you are having a hard time getting or maintaining an erection, you should take an herbal supplement such as Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves. It can help enhance your erection, control ejaculation and build up your hormone levels so you are not as likely to become sexually exhausted. They can even help create a bigger buildup for orgasms. Combine the supplements with the Taoist's Technique and you will be on your way to controlling your ejaculation for an amazing sex life.

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Views: 451

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 60218

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