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If you jerk it, hair can fall – effects of over masturbation

How masturbation can be the probable cause of hair thinning. Over-masturbation in some instances can cause both early baldness and a bad sex life.

Case #: 379


I have been masturbating since secondary school. Since reading that over masturbation can lead to thinning hair, I decided to research the topic. Should I be concerned that my habits could lead to thinning hair?


Sustained over masturbation creates negative effects, the most noticeable being hair loss that can happen over the course of a couple years. But over masturbation can create another issue—lowered sex drive.

The DHT Effect

When you over masturbation, your body uses up testosterone and transforms it into DHT. High levels of DHT will bind to the root of hair cells that cause hair loss. Men who experience high DHT levels will often showcase signs of premature balding.

Keeping Hair and Love Life

Keeping your hair and love life healthy require proper DHT levels. You need to stop masturbating. Next, you need herbal products that:

  • Promote blood circulation under the scalp
  • Reduce thinning hair and hair loss
  • Block excessive DHT from binding to hair follicles

Herbal formula such as Herbal Hair Loss Solution & Hair Follicle Regrowth include ingredients such Fo-Ti, Astragalus Membraneous, Mulberry, Cuscuta and Ginkgo Biloba that promote bioenergy at the scalp to facilitate hair growth. If you notice your hair starting to thin because of over masturbation, take action now before you go completely bald.

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Views: 142

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 61493

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