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Male Vibrators Can Massage Your Penis to Death: Find Real Ways to Enlarge and Strengthen Your Penis

Experimenting with a vibrator has left him with a long-term problem affecting his length. Now his penis only gets erect over half of its length and his sensitivity has been reduced. What happened? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts, and discover helpful responses to similar injuries.

Case #:1272

I'm a 23 year old man suffering from excessive masturbation symptoms and also vibrator damage. I have been masturbating since age 8 and used a vibrator for a few months in college. Over the years, one thing I've noticed is that whenever I have an erection, blood seems to be under lots of pressure to pass the upper region of my glans penis. The lower half of my penis is unaffected, but I am able to notice loss of sensation are affecting my erections. It seems my penis has shrunk and I want it back to normal size. I'm suspecting scar tissue on the top of my penis head that is impeding erectile blood flow which affects my sympathetic nervous fire.

Despite all the attention lavished on it around the world and throughout history, it's still not common to encounter an ordinary citizen who really understands how the penis works.
Case Study Highlights
Summary: He used a penis vibrator to improve his erections and size, but what he discovered were penile injuries, pain and shrinkage. Find out how he reversed his injuries and learned of a real way to enlarge his vital organ.
Your Solution: Penis Size Enhancement By Natural Blood Flow Stimulator
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
Deceptive Dearth Of Damage

Guys use it to direct the flow of urine, brag about having a large erection and sometimes blame it for getting them into trouble. Building on a different popular misconception about the penis, there are neither bones nor muscles nor brain cells inside it. You can't make it bigger by “exercising” it like your arms, and it can't actually make you do anything, though certain hormones produced in the scrotum can have measurable effects on your moods.
Likewise, guys have been masturbating for a very, very long time, with or without additional tools; the oldest known dildo-like object on record dates back 30,000 years. Your vibrator is essentially nothing more than a technical refinement of a class of objects that has been in use since before the Sphinx was even designed.
However, when you mix general ignorance of how something works with attempts to achieve physical gratification with that thing, the odds of injury dramatically increase. In your case, it's quite possible that your vibrator did cause the damage you describe to the tissues beneath the skin without leaving external marks, leaving you with an incomplete erection.
Examining The Mechanisms

Your erection occurs when blood gets forced into highly porous tissues contained in tubes running the length of your shaft, and kept there until you ejaculate or otherwise allow the blood to escape. The corpus cavernosum is actually a pair of tubes on the left and right side of the penis. The corpus spongiosum sheathes your urethra to keep it from collapsing under the pressure of erect cavernosa and to permit the free flow of ejaculate. It's possible to damage one of the two cavernosua without damaging the other, which is the usual cause of significant curvature to the side in an erection.
As the blood flows from the base of the penis up to the tip and then back again with several vessels branching off along the way, your theory that internal scar tissue is affecting your erection past a certain point on its length seems very reasonable; otherwise-undetected scarring is often the cause of erectile dysfunction, be it soft erections or shrinkage or other problems.
Down For Repairs

You have several options for addressing your issue. As always, we encourage you to consult a health-care provider, to get an expert's eye in helping you monitor your current condition and any changes while you treat it. You can start your self-treatment with basic lifestyle changes like increasing your intake of zinc and B-complex vitamins, which are the nutrients your penis needs to maintain itself. Similarly, a moderate exercise program can enhance your testosterone levels, which will give your erections and confidence additional support.
You may consider taking this all-natural herbal supplement, designed to enhance erections. It works by reducing scar tissue inside blood vessels, enhancing blood circulation throughout your genitals, giving all the cells better access to the nutrients they need to thrive. (SEE: Penile Blood Flow Enhancement & Growth) It also strengthens the various hormone-producing glands, increasing your levels of testosterone and other erection-enhancing compounds, and even assists with repairing tiny leaks in the veins and arteries that may be quietly sabotaging your erections.

In the end, your best and most effective response to your injury is to address it with patience and diligence. Your body can accomplish amazing feats of recovery, but the healing process progresses most effectively when you give it the raw materials it needs and let it work at its own pace.

What to do

Penis Size Expansion By Natural Blood Flow Enhancement Herbs

Size is an issue of mind over matter. If you mind, it matters.

[More Details +]

Views: 194

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 59235

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