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The Painful Results of Excessive Masturbation

A male who masturbated excessively in the past is experiencing kidney and bladder problems.

Case #: 516


For the last few weeks I have been experiencing what seems like a bladder infection. I need to urinate often and when I go, I have the urge to go again. I have also been experiencing a mild pressure sensation in my prostate and irritation of my urethra. I used to masturbate a lot, but I have recently stopped. When I was masturbating, it was at least once or twice a day. I am also experiencing lower back pain and a burning sensation in my kidneys. What can be the cause of my problems and what can I take to feel better?


The cause of your back pain and bladder problems is the result of your excessive masturbation. I understand your desire to masturbate; it is a natural urge for most men. Over masturbation can cause your sexual organs to become inflamed, causing the pain and discomfort you are experiencing. Since you have stopped masturbating excessively, your body is on the right track to recovery, but there are a few things you can do to help it heal faster.

How Hormones Cause Inflammation

When you become aroused during sex or masturbation, your body releases the hormones dopamine and epinephrine. When you masturbate often, the body continues to release these hormones, creating high levels of these chemicals in the body. These hormones are responsible for the fight-or-flight feeling that we all experience from time to time. These fight-or-flight chemicals make you feel anxious about minor issues, and over time, too many of these chemicals stress your body and its organs.

The pain you feel in your lower back is from the inflammation in your kidney and bladder. It is also the cause of the irritation you feel in your urethra and your frequent urge to urinate. If you were to continue masturbating, your body would become more inflamed and you may even start to suffer from severe damage to your brain cells and nervous system. All of your organs could be at risk and your immune system too can experience a decrease in its effectiveness.

I’m sure that you are ready to start feeling better to prevent further sexual problems, such as impotence and premature ejaculation. The good news is there is a way to get your body back to normal and put a stop the pain and discomfort you are feeling.

Getting Healthy

Give your body time to recover the lost hormones. By not masturbating every day, you can replenish your body’s natural balance of hormones, but I think it would be best if you stopped masturbating all together until your symptoms are gone. I understand this can be difficult, but it is necessary if you want to regain your sexual health and avoid further problems. There are herbal remedies you can take that are designed to help speed up sexual recovery and balance your hormone levels.

Since you are experiencing so many painful symptoms and mentioned an irritation in your urethra, it is also likely that your prostate is inflamed as well. Once your symptoms have subsided, you need to limit yourself to ejaculating no more than three to four times a week.

This will prevent your prostate from becoming exhausted and also prevent a future hormone imbalance.

I also want you to focus on leading a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t already, make sure you eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis. A healthy lifestyle will make it less likely for your hormones to become imbalanced and help prevent inflammation and sexual dysfunction. It will also help improve your immune system so you can fight illnesses better.

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Views: 193

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 58509

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