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Snakeskin Effect On The Trouser-Serpent

Despite many experiments with soaps and lotions, his foreskin keeps getting uncomfortably dehydrated. He's nervous about using something that may not be safe. What can he use to get relief? Read on, get the facts and find out!

Case #: 1682


I need some help. I am not circumcised and my foreskin area of the penis seems to get really dry. I don't have an STD, I just got checked last week. The only time I feel it get hydrated and better is when I am taking a shower and it gets wet with the water. I tried to use different types of soaps: bars, gels and even powder. I have read on other sites that if you put lotion on the penis, it will help. I have some face lotion and maybe even Vaseline to use already but I am really scared that it might not be safe on my penis. Is there anything else I can do to help my dry penis?


It seems paradoxical that your foreskin (or any of the rest of the skin on your penis) could get dry, or even chapped, like your lips might on an especially cold winter day. You keep it safely tucked away inside your nice, warm undergarments and pants almost all the time, except when you're using the restroom, right? The moisture in your skin still escapes, though. Let's take a look at an aspect of how your skin works to figure out the problem.

Scale Analysis

The part of your skin that you normally see is actually dead, in the sense that the cells are somewhat dried-out and aren't directly served by blood vessels. Medical professionals call it the epidermis; the dermis is the living layer of cells underneath it that replenishes the outermost layers over the course of about eight weeks.

Cracks In The Armor

However, maintaining skin-hydration levels isn't just a matter of keeping your penis wet; you can be very uncomfortable if your cells have too much water, as well as not enough. Your skin also produces a few important oils to slow down the diffusion process; these are the fluids that compose the fingerprints you leave on everything you touch. When they are not present (either due to you washing them away faster than your skin produces them, or somehow injuring your skin to prevent them from being produced), your skin can dry out and even flake away down to the dermis. These weak spots leave you open to infections from various microorganisms, many quite serious, so let's look into solutions.

Keep It Supple, Silly!

Your skin should bend, stretch and “snap back” fairly easily. One way to do that is to simply take in enough water every day; you should adjust the usual amount of just under a gallon per day depending on your physical activity level, the prevailing temperatures, and how much water you take in from your food.

You need to wash your skin regularly to keep it healthy, but you need to treat it with a balance of thoroughness and gentleness. Too-hot water can scald, leaving your skin dry. Too-harsh scouring can scrape the epidermis away and produce calluses. And both of them can wash away the essential skin oils mentioned previously. Find a body-wash that will do the job, and experiment to find the skin-washing technique that cleans without wearing your skin down. Afterward, try to use a skin lotion with vitamin E and lanolin.

You should also consider using a lotion or cream designed specifically for use on your penis. (TRY: Penile Hydrating Lotions for Dry Penis) Note that most of these products can also be used as a lubricant for masturbation or sex, though none of them contain spermicide.

The best results stem from persistent and patient application of the products, so follow the instructions and avoid the temptation to rush things. Good luck!

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Views: 103

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 58505

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