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Do Penis Stretches Work?

Check the spam folder on your email, and you’re bound to find three kinds of messages: 1. Emails about weight loss 2. Emails informing you that you’re the winner of millions of dollars (you’re not) 3. And emails telling you how to grow your penis—even when you’re a woman.
Over the last few years, the newest trend to emerge from online marketers selling penile enhancement gimmicks has been penile exercise, techniques billed as innocuous methods for growing a man’s most treasured organ. Websites, email campaigns and even promotional videos have all pitched the same message: a longer, thicker penis with a few easy steps. And while the content, steps and even promotional videos show the methods, the exercises remain nothing more than an elaborate ploy.  
Despite the ruse, millions of men flood public health forums asking would-be medical experts the same question: Do penile exercises really work?

They don’t.

Quick Look: Content Summary
  • Discover the dangers exercises can cause
  • Learn the most common types of penile exercises
  • See how our community experts and members can help you recover from injuries caused by exercises.
  • Find real solutions for penile length and girth


The Damage Caused by Exercises

When the tissue experiences bruising or when blood vessels rupture from vigorous pulling or devices, the penis can experience the following symptoms:
Impotence from blood vessel ruptures
Penile insensitivity from damaged tissue
Penile shrinkage from tissues that no longer receive nutrients
Time and money spent on exercises and devices
Why Exercises Fail

Penile exercises are like elliptical machines. They promise to improve your body. They dupe you into thinking they work, and worst of all, they do little more than waste your time and energy. Christopher Wanjek, a prominent medical journalist, says penile exercises, like Jelqing, make no sense biologically.” While Sue Johanson, a registered nurse and sex educator, asserts that exercises can even lead to serious damage.
Penile exercises require most men to perform vigorous stretching and pulling of the tissue, often for 10 to 45 minutes a day. Most exercises make outlandish assertions too, including: a longer, thicker penis while providing harder erections for men with erectile dysfunction. However, most stretches simply redirect blood from one area of the penis to another while bruising tissue and causing blood vessels to rupture.

Type of Penile Exercises

Over the years, marketers have duped customers into thinking the following techniques work:

1.Penile Hangers and Weights, which all can cause bruising
2. Penile Extenders that can cause permanent impotence from the force created to “stretch the penis”
3. Jelqing devices that, like extenders, can lead to bruised tissue and impotence

Penile Injuries: Types of Injuries Caused by Exercises

Men who try penile exercises may experience penile injuries—and might even notice signs of penile shrinkage. The bruised tissue prevents males from sustaining—or even gaining—an erection. While the ruptured vessels can effectively end all future sexual engagements and can even lead to penile sensitivity issues from the buildup of scar tissue.
Men who notice injuries will experience the following issues: 

  • Blood Vessel Damage, which ruptures the highway that blood travels to engorge the penis. Males who notice blood vessel damage may see bruising and weak erections. 
  • Penile Numbness, which lowers your sensitivity threshold to pleasure. Men who notice penile numbness experience a buildup of scar tissue.
  • Penile Pain, which is caused by bruising and damaged tissue. Men who notice penile injuries will experience numbness and even blood vessel damage.
Treatment for Injuries

Men who experience injuries will need to minimize scar tissue buildup while repairing the damaged blood vessels and numbness. Men who wish to rid themselves of these issues may want to try Penile Injury & Damage Repair, a natural supplement that

  • Increases blood flow and introduces nutrients to fix bruised tissue
  • Provides the body with factor Beta-3 for wound-healing
  • Introduces more testosterone, Arginine, Ornithine, and neurotransmitters that reduce scar tissue buildup
[More Details +]

Views: 614

Ideas: Male, penile enlargement, penile extension

GuideID: 60659

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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