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Side Effects of Fixing Premature Ejaculation using Anesthetic Cream

Certain topical anesthetic creams are used to treat premature ejaculation. Although none of these prescription drugs or over-the-counter anesthetic creams are specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration, many doctors prescribe these drugs because no specific remedy is available for premature ejaculation.

Topical anesthetic creams are less harmful to apply and produce quick results.  Topical anesthetic creams containing lidocaine or prilocaine dull the sensation on the penis to help delay ejaculation. Applied a short time before intercourse, these creams are wiped off when your penis has lost sensation to help delay ejaculation. 

Some men report reduced sexual pleasure because of lessened sensitivity when using topical anesthetic creams. Although the cream is wiped off before intercourse, some studies showed female partners reported that cream also reduced their genital sensitivity and sexual pleasure. In rare cases, lidocaine or prilocaine can even cause an allergic reaction.

Long-term use of the anesthetic cream might be hazardous to your health. Constantly numbing the nerve receptors under penile tissues might result in circulation problems eventually leading to weak erection or the inability to maintain a hard erection throughout intercourse.

There are many healing herbs that can strengthen the parasympathetic ejaculatory nerves. Herbs such as Flatstem Milkvetch Seed (Astragalus Complanatus), Os Draconis (Long Gu), Mucuna Pruiens, Passion Flower, and Ostrea Gigas are known to calm the nerves and rejuvenate them for full recovery. More research details how herbs work, and information can be found at the formula Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves & Premature Ejaculation under the medical formula textbook from Dr. Wang Ang’s Medical Formulas Collected and Analyze.

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Views: 543

Ideas: Male, premature ejaculation, diabetes

GuideID: 61350

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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