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Kegel Exercises: Do They Work for Enlargement?

ncrease your penis size with bladder exercises. Sound a bit outlandish? That’s because it is, but according to a few online websites, men can achieve the size they’ve always wanted with a few contractions of the PC muscles. How? Well, even we’re not too sure because according to all the research performed on the method, the exercises may in fact strengthen the pelvic floor muscles but not improve erectile length.

Invention of Kegel Exercises

In 1948, Dr. Arnold Kegel discovered a way to measure voluntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles to determine the strength of these muscles. Dr. Kegel is credited with inventing Kegel exercises that improve bladder-muscle strength for urinary control. However, today, the exercises remain a marketing gimmick for men who wish to increase the length of their erections.

Facts about Kegel
Kegel Exercies were first discovered in 1948 Arnold Kegel. 
Manufactures sell pelvic toning devices to supplement traditional Kegel Exercises.   

False Claims Made by Kegel Exercises

According to research, Kegel exercises provide several benefits for men looking to enlarge their penises, including

  • Improved blood flow for harder erections
  • Increased size thanks to the indirect improvement of blood
  • Improved control over urinary incontinence
  • Enhanced ejaculation control

Improved ejaculation control and urinary incontinence seem plausible thanks to Kegel, but the increased erectile size thanks to elevated levels of blood seems outlandish. Still, according to some websites, Kegels will increase your penis size.

Better Enlargement Results

While improved blood flow can indirectly increase your penis size, men can find better results thanks to all-natural supplements that do more than just increase the flow of blood to your penis. According to user experience and testimonials, all-natural supplements, when combined with techniques can increase a man’s penis. For example
Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth provides men with

  • Added inches to the length
  • Improved nutrients, including hormone-like substances that increase blood flow and nutrients to the penile tissue

Men who try Kegel exercises may not see any size difference. Instead, men may see improvements to both their urinary and ejaculation control with enough use. Don’t waste your time on foolish techniques, instead discover other means for improving your penis size.

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Views: 217

Ideas: Male, penile enlargement, Kegel practice

GuideID: 61338

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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