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Is Masturbation Bad? - Debating an age-old Controversy

Whether masturbation is good or bad really depends on how long you can do it without affecting the functions of other organs.
In one recently published study, ninety-five percent of men and eighty-seven percent of women have admitted to practicing masturbation on regular occasion. The study further indicated the men usually achieve an orgasm when they masturbate and often manipulate themselves prior to engaging in actual intercourse so that they may last longer. The study revealed another important finding: males who masturbate frequently during adolescence continue the behavior well into their adulthood with increasing frequency.
But is a masturbation addiction harmful to your body? To know the answer, one must understand the process of ejaculation. An orgasm or ejaculation discharges bioelectric energy (bio-energy) stored by the parasympathetic nervous subsystem via the sympathetic nervous action. It is supposed to discharge the bio-energy stored in the sexual organs. This is why an orgasm is associated with a ‘burst’ and subsequent release of tension. When the sexual organs are insufficiently charged, the sympathetic system will draw the energy from other organs by deactivating them and slowing the response of the Central Nervous System (CNS - the commander of the endocrine and nervous function). So, frequent masturbation and ejaculation will result in depleting other organs of their bio-energy, since the sexual organs are emptied of their own.
The common association of guilt and anxiety with masturbation is partly due to ignorance, and the fact that masturbation is generally not harmful. Such negative sentiments are partly due to outdated religious beliefs regarding what is sinful. Plus, many of us have received negative messages about masturbation from our parents, or have even been punished when caught masturbating as children. Cumulative effects of these influences usually manifest in the form of confusion and guilt, which become difficult to sort out later in life. Despite the naiveté associated with the nature of masturbation, the behavior can be harmful if it becomes compulsive.
Compulsive masturbation, like all compulsive behaviors, is a sign of a deep-rooted emotional problem and needs to be addressed by a mental health specialist. Sex, of course, is extremely pleasurable, and all things pleasurable can be addictive. Over-masturbation can cause serious problems that aren’t limited to the bedroom and the behavior should be addressed properly.


Worried that you over-masturbate? Wondering if you are slowly suffering as a result? Many people do not know they are suffering from over-masturbation until they are already consumed by the consequences.
Would you like to know more about over-masturbation? If so, then our Over-Masturbation section is the place you want to be. There you will find more information about the symptoms of over-masturbation, stages, the myths behind masturbation, and how you can break away from masturbation addiction.

Contrary to ancient and popular beliefs, masturbation does not lead to unbridled lust, make you blind or deaf, give you the flu, drive you crazy, grow hair on your hand, cause stuttering, or kill you. Rather, it is a natural and harmless expression of sexuality in both men and women, and a perfectly good way to experience sexual pleasure. In fact, some experts argue that masturbation improves sexual health by increasing an individual's understanding of his or her own body and knowledge of what is erotically pleasing, thereby potentially building self-confidence and fostering self-acceptance. This knowledge can then be carried forth to set the foundation for a satisfying sexual relationship with one's partner, through comfort with mutual masturbation and the ability to tell each other what is most pleasing. It is a good idea for a couple to discuss their attitudes about masturbation and calm any insecurity a partner may have if the other should sometimes favor masturbation over sexual intercourse. In some relationships, masturbation may be mutually acceptable. Done alone or in the presence of a partner, the act can add to mutual intimacy if it is experienced without rejection. Without proper communication, the act of masturbation can be interpreted as a sign of anger, alienation, or even displeasure with the way the relationship is progressing.

Overcoming society's negative stereotypes or one's own personal feelings about masturbation can allow men and women the freedom to explore and experience their own sexuality in a private, satisfying manner. One word of caution: in keeping with the practices of safer sex, masturbation with a partner can be an enjoyable alternative to intercourse, as long as you avoid contact with your partner's semen or vaginal fluids, especially if you have any cuts or open sores.
As stated previously, masturbation will only become harmful if done excessively. To reiterate the primary cause, over-masturbation or over-ejaculation drains the body of Human Growth Hormones, DHEA, and testosterone, which are used for recharging the CNS and the parasympathetic (bio-energy restoring) function of each organ. As a result, the endocrine-associated organs slow down hormone production. Now, as a result the eyes become very sensitive to sunlight due to the deficiency of the bio-energy in the visual nerves (prescription drugs for impotence produce the similar side effect of ‘blue vision’). The ears buzz due to the deficiency of bio-energy in the auditory nerves. The heart beats irregularly due to insufficient bio-energy in the auto-rhythmic and contractile fibers. Blood pressure becomes too high or too low due to insufficient levels of bio-energy in the kidneys. A higher volume of sweat and bouts of fatigue occur due to the insufficient bio-energy in the adrenal cortexes, which produce DHEA to pacify the sympathetic nervous function. Pains and spastic cramps in the muscles and joints occur (in particular, in the lower back area due to the lack of DHEA and testosterone to feed the local cells and neurons) and the waist becomes very weak.
It is apparent excessive masturbation or sex can damage a person’s body and produce negative side effects hazardous to your health. You could almost say that masturbation is a double-edged sword. If done according to your endocrine cycle or if kept at a minimum, it can have pleasurable effects and positive results. However, if it is done excessively, it can be very damaging. So, the question of whether or not masturbation is good or bad ultimately cannot be simply answered. It’s the circumstances that determine the outcome of the effect masturbation has on an individual.

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Views: 398

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, DHEA

GuideID: 61339

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