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Is Over Masturbation Bad?

Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Most men limit the activity to three times a week; others tend to go overboard. Like other behaviors, when over practiced, it can lead to psychological and physiological imbalances.

Masturbation will not kill a person or make a man blind; in fact, most doctors recommend it, not only to improve sexual experiences, but also to promote the overall health of an individual. However, excessive masturbation before puberty, can disrupt the normal endocrine-nervous system interaction. A ruined endocrine-nervous system can result in adrenal fatigue and even penis shrinkage. Severity of Sexual Exhaustion caused by excessive masturbation or ejaculation can be categorized into stages based on the number and degree of symptoms experienced.


The side effects from long-term excessive & abusive masturbation can harm the body in various ways, including:

Not everyone shares the same or all of the above-mentioned symptoms. Age, health status, inmate immune system, genetics, and how early one started masturbating (and for how long) are the determining factors in what symptoms one may endure. Herballove experts have found that a high percentage of young people who started abusive masturbation before puberty could have multiple symptoms. Take herbal solutions to recover from these known symptoms associated with sexual exhaustions before it becomes irreversible.


Various statistics indicated that watching online porn is the leading cause for excessive masturbation.  Over Masturbation disrupts endocrine, dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversions and nervous system interactions that can result in painful symptoms. Various hormonal and neuro growth factors are depleted during an ejaculation that can result in the following:

At the “Severe” and “Addictive Stages” of Sexual Exhaustion, hormones, growth factors, and neurotransmitters are depleted due to excessive ejaculation. Long deprivation of these neuro-molecules will disrupt the cellular signal transduction, rejuvenation, and detoxification inside the body. Such deterioration is often attributed to the acceleration of the aging process.
In order to reverse the ill-effects of excessive sexual activity or over-masturbation, try to reduce or stop masturbating for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish.  Then you can return to it with a lower frequency.  Examine your symptoms and compare them to the Stages of Sexual Exhaustion chart to find the correct solution to aid in your recovery. If there is a severe symptom that you want to recover from, use the chart to locate the most effective solution. Sexual exhaustion has already stunt your growth potential, don’t let it worsen and become irreversible.

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Views: 1079

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, behavior

GuideID: 59655

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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