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Cincinnati Five-Way Chili – Healthy Cuisine Recipes for Prostate

Recent research on prostate enlargement and cancer has focused on a compound called capsaicin, which is a strong-smelling active component of chili peppers. It has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cell growth in a laboratory setting. Of course, due to the actual tiny amount of capsaicin within, consuming chili is not to be considered a treatment option for cancer. [1]


2 pounds ground beef
2  minced cloves garlic
2 cups beef broth
1 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 bay leaf
6 ounces tomato paste
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves


  1. Mix beef, onions, and garlic together in saucepan. Break up any big clumps
  2. Pour in the rest of the ingredients into saucepan
  3. Raise the heat and bring to a boil
  4. Simmer the chili mixture for 60 minutes
  5. Taste and adjust the seasonings until you are satisfied
  6. Simmer for another 15 minutes
  7. Serve with spaghetti or rice


In 1922, brothers from the Republic of Macedonia (though some sources state Greece as their country of origin), Tom and John Kiradjieff, attempted to broaden their customer base by moving beyond their narrow style of ethnic cuisine. They created the original inspiration for the Cincinnati Five-Way Chili recipe that is now considered the unofficial grub of Cincinnati, Ohio. Prepared with an unusual blend of spices (including Cinnamon, Cocoa, and Allspice) and Worcestershire sauce, this regional style of chili is thinner in consistency than you usually find elsewhere.
It is characteristically served on hot dogs and even over spaghetti. The term "five ways" indicates the five primary ingredients: Pasta, Cheese, Beans, Chili, and Onions. It can be served as "one way" (just the Chili itself), "two way"  (the Pasta served in a bowl with the Chili poured on top), "three way" (Pasta and Chili topped with grated Cheese), "four way" (Pasta and Chili topped with grated Cheese and Onions), and, of course, "five way" (Pasta and Chili topped with grated Cheese, Onions, and Kidney or Chili Beans). “Five way” does not limit folks from topping the delicacy with Oyster Crackers.
To make this Chili as authentic as possible, put the ground beef in a food processor and chop it up very finely. Never brown the ground beef and/or put the chopped Onions into your Chili mixture because the Onions go on top of the Chili (the "four way" method). Instead, mix your ground beef with the Chili ingredients and water. Boil for several hours.
Use tomato paste instead of sauce. The Chili should be very watery when it is finished (this is where the Oyster Crackers come in). Serve, dig in, and enjoy one of Cincinnati’s
best-kept secrets!

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Views: 325

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement, high PSA level

GuideID: 58721

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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