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Low Sex Drive? Try Losing Weight
Obesity continues to assail Americans. According to statistics 1 out of every 3 American children is obese. The increases in obesity can lead to heart disease, elevated risk for stroke, diabetes and high cholesterol.

But obesity can create another ineffectual symptom—low sex drive. According to recent studies, obesity, particularly fat around the abdomen, lowers testosterone levels and causes low sex drive.
Obesity and Sex
Fat tissue contains an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estradiol, a form of estrogen. The more fat tissue around the abdomen, the higher the concentration of aromatase becomes.

Higher concentrations of the enzyme breakdown testosterone and lead to low sex drive. The levels of aromatase in older men become even higher because of the altered metabolism that occurs as they age.
Natural Supplements for Improved Male Libido
Eastern medicine and the Chinese Medical Textbook have long promoted the use of natural ingredients to improve low sex drive. Natural ingredients help with an array of issues, including low testosterone levels. For example, 
  • Cynomorium can increase testosterone, sperm production, bio-rejuvenation and growth factors.
  • Curculigo can enhance a man’s erectile capability. 
  • Lycium can stimulate the seminal vesicles for improved sperm production. It too can improve sexual endurance and energy.
  • Cuscuta increases the production of Nitric Oxide Synthease, which helps achieve a fuller and harder erection.
  • Cnidium can increase longevity and sexual stimulation in men. 
  • Morinda can boost sexual stamina in men and help in the recovery of adrenal fatigue.
  • Maca can boost sex drive in men without affecting hormone levels.

If you suspect that abdominal obesity is negatively affecting your libido, ask your physician for a testosterone test. Despite links between testosterone levels and overall health, many clinics and physicians don’t recommend that overweight patients undergo a testosterone test.

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Views: 270

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, low testosterone

GuideID: 58803

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