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Masturbation & Mood - How chronic self-stimulation can lead to drastic changes in spirit

People who overextend or exhaust themselves too frequently often find themselves in a state of emotional imbalance. This unfortunate predicament can lead to various inflammations within the body that occur quite unpleasantly, adversely enhanced by irritation and frequent mood swings.
Just like any habit performed in excess, over-masturbation can lead to complications. Many males masturbate addictively. They experience frequent headaches and shifts in emotion. These changes are due to the sudden drop of cortisol that occurs during orgasm and the chemicals’ precipitous rise later. The elevated cortisol then links to the hormone prolactin and locks up the pituitary-adrenal and testicular functions. This leads to a deficiency of androgen hormones, a delay in recovery, as well as inflammation and constriction of nerves, tissue, and all blood vessels (particularly those of the brain). These chemical fluctuations manifest themselves in the form of unpredictable behavior.
When serotonin, GABA and acetylcholine levels become too low to reduce the release of epinephrine, and when testosterone and dopamine levels are too low to reduce the pituitary-generated prolactin, violent male menopause symptoms such as mood swings, night sweats, anxiety, stress, fatigue, tiredness, short temper, and memory loss will emerge.
The severity of the mood swings caused by over masturbation develops in stages. First, in the ‘problematic’ stage, the sufferer experiences fatigue and a sudden lack of concentration. The ‘severe’ stage finds him chronically fatigued and newly vulnerable to mood swings. The ‘addictive’ stage manifests itself in the form of insomnia (and in extreme cases, blurred vision). The final ‘severely addictive’ stage has all of the aforementioned symptoms, accompanied by swelling headaches and severe mood swings.
Though not of mainstream medicine, the condition of mood swings due to sexual exhaustion has long been treated with natural remedies such as the Herbal Mood Smooth & Stabilizers. Many of its herbs are potent adaptogens that improve the functions of neurotransmitters, hormones, and molecular messengers. These botanical agents are endowed with the power to rejuvenate the body that is suffering from mental and sexual drainage. The formula will help rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function and excite the oxytonergic nervous system, and is believed to help control mood swings, reduce feelings of sadness, and relieve despondence while calming an imbalanced mind.

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Views: 398

Ideas: Men's,Over Masturbation,stress & anxiety

GuideID: 61359

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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