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The Ying and The Yam

The headaches, the cramps, the bloatedness, even the debilitating fatigue can make menstruation a drag. Some women suffer from mood swings, while others combat painful cramps. No matter the symptom, women try anything to reduce the pain or irritability. Most try the typical approach: over-the-counter drugs. Others take street drugs, and some, well, some just drink their pain away. None of these approaches offer a healthy solution to the pain, especially not over-the-counter drugs—or the alcohol (ok and especially not the street drugs).

Taken in excess, these over-the-counter pills and medicines can induce further problems, like the occasional low sex drive, vaginal dryness, weak immune system, intense mood swings and drug dependency issues. Oh, and the major problems over-the-counter-drugs can cause include liver dysfunctions, slowed parasympathetic nervous systems, alerted digestive systems and even hormonal imbalances.

Umm, It’s like…A Hormone Thing
Some men are quick to call menstruating women any number of vulgar, belittling words. Others skip the flowery language and settle on a straight-forward expression: bitch. Now ladies, if a man calls you that 5-letter word, what he really means to say is that Mother Nature is a B-I-T-C-H (remember, you all are gifts from God in the eyes of men). But of course, men do not understand the pain women endure each month. Mother Nature, like clockwork, greets women with massive hormonal imbalances that cause headaches, violent mood swings, stomach cramps and bloated-like symptoms.

Now, science has made huge advancements in medicine to treat PMS symptoms actuated by Mother Nature. But science has yet to come up with a magic pill to permanently cure these symptoms. Still, don’t call Mother Nature a complete B-I-C-T-H just yet, because after all, she did create all-natural herbs to minimize the symptoms. Yah, Mother Nature!

The Ying and The Yam
Ok, so no woman wants to spend three days bleeding and suffering from headaches, moodiness and bloatedness. A native to China, Japan and Taiwan, Wild Yam minimizes those often exasperating, three-day symptoms. Thanks to the all-natural phyto-estrogen and progesterone compounds, super chemicals that stabilize the hormone levels, women can feel normal again. Wild Yam can even help women by
  • Relaxing vaginal muscles
  • Reducing intercourse pain
  • Improving mood
  • Stabilizing hormone levels due to the saponin levels
  • Enhancing sex drive and vaginal lubrication
So put down the bottle. Throw away the aspirin, and try some Wild Yam to alleviate the severity of your most common PMS symptoms.

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Views: 92

Ideas: Women's, PMS Problems

Blog ID: 63807

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