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Penile Loop for Venous Leak

Blood flows into the penis through arteries deep in the tissues and continues out through the veins near the surface of the penis. If the veins cannot prevent blood from leaving the penis during an erection (venous leak), it will deflate very quickly.
A Penis Loop is basically a "band-aid" for venous leaks. It enhances erections by slowing the flow of blood away from the penis, aiding the normal erection process. Some of the top penile loops include:

Penile Loop device works by closing the veins and allowing blood to flow into the penis, thereby producing an erection. The majority of the penile constriction loop is adjustable. It is placed around the base of the penis and tightened. This pressure reduces the flow of blood out of the penis. The compression pressure is patient-controlled and may be increased or decreased as needed.

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Blog ID: 63718

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