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Your Guide to Female Orgasm Difficulty

Sex can be the most pleasurable physical experience we have in life. But for millions of women, the pleasure of sex is greatly diminished by an inability to achieve an orgasm.

For hundreds of years in the modern world, a woman’s personal pleasure was thought of as secondary - or sometimes not thought of at all. Even today, a large percentage of sexually active women are not having regular orgasms. A majority of these women simply believe that it is normal and perfectly acceptable. Not surprisingly, this mentality has only served to encourage many men to buy into such myths. Some men refuse, or have given up on trying, to give their partner an orgasm because it is obvious that she has resigned herself to passivity over the matter.

You Know Your Body Best

If men can orgasm, so can women. If your partner is going to ‘cum’, shouldn’t you, too? Though it’s quite important for sexual gratification, a large percentage of women are embarrassed over the idea of getting to know their 

Sexual Response Involved These Steps:

  1. Vaginal lubrication

  2. Vaginal lengthening and enlargement

  3. Swelling of the external genitals

  4. Swelling of the vaginal lower third, creating the so-called "orgasmic platform"

  5. Increase of the uterine volume

  6. Ascent of the uterus in the pelvis

  7. Rhythmic contractions of the uterus and vaginal entrance

  8. Reset & disappearance of all these changes shortly after orgasm to get ready for a new cycle

bodies. Some of these women have a negative predisposition about touching themselves and masturbation and refuse to even discuss the practice. It’s a curious issue. However, ‘getting to know’ your body doesn’t necessarily mean masturbation.
There are many different ways and purposes to explore your body. If you are looking to improve your sex-life and want to be more orgasmic, then self-exploration pretty much has to happen. You are going to need to learn whether your sexual organs are still functioning properly and if so, if they can induce pleasure. If you are uptight about masturbation, simply think of it in necessary medical terms. Besides, you wouldn’t want to leave it to your doctor to see if you can be turned on (well, maybe you would…). You need to do it yourself. See how it makes you feel and see how your body chemistry responds. If you feel a change then you know everything is still in working order, and can be put to the test want your doctor to see if you can be turned on. You need to do it yourself. See how it makes you feel and see how you body chemistry responds. If you feel a change then you know everything is still in working order, and can be put to the test.

Causes of Orgasm Difficulty

Women can have trouble achieving an orgasm for a number of reasons, including:

Clitoral Insensitivity 
Over-stimulation of the clitoris by sexual devices

NaturalRenewal Remedy For Vaginal & Clitoral Desensitization
NaturalClitoral Revitalization - Revival The Sensitivity & Passion Again
Finger Plier Technique

Low or absent sexual desire
Inability to initiate or maintain arousal despite a desire to have sex…

Ways To Ignite Your Passion and Desire Again

Menstrual Cramps 
Hormonal imbalance is often the cause behind menstrual pain

Menstrual Cramps Relief Solution
Pretty Miserable Syndrome - No More!

Intercourse Pain
causes of sexual pains can become more serious resulting it vaginal abrasions and other extremely painful

Harmony Qi Gong For Women
VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Vaginal Damage 
Pleasure from foreplay or penile penetration is lessened due to vaginal damages or abrasions

Natural Clitoral Revitalization - Revival The Sensitivity & Passion Again

G-Spot Insensitivity
Find out if your G-spot was inadvertently "turn off"

G-Spot Rejuvenation & Nerve Repair

Painful Bladder 
Whether is the persistent burning or irritation or a frequent need to go to the bathroom, severe bladder problems interrupt sexual activity and seriously

Natural Relief Formula For Painful Bladder & Intersitial Cystitis
Food Acidic Removal by Organic Minerals
Thiele Massage For Interstitial Cystitis & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Common"> side effects includes vaginal dryness, abrasion, and lower desire

Finger Plier Technique
Female Restorex Plus Formula

Orgasm difficulty occurs in women of all ages but may become more prevalent during hormonally vulnerable times, such as the postpartum or menopausal transitions, or during a major illness, such as cancer.

Other Factors

Several factors may contribute to female orgasm difficulty. In addition to psychological problems, physical causes include arthritis, urinary or bowel difficulties, pelvic surgery, fatigue, headaches, and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Certain medications, including some antidepressants, blood pressure medications, antihistamines and chemotherapy drugs, can decrease sex drive and inhibit the ability to achieve orgasm.  Menopause causes lower estrogen levels that may lead to changes in your genital tissues and your sexual responsiveness. Menopause also slows the natural swelling and lubrication of the vagina, leading to uncomfortable or painful intercourse (dyspareunia).

Two years ago a woman from New Jersey emailed us telling of a life without orgasms and what it felt like to ‘fake it’ for the past 15 years. She had a defeated and angry streak personality that had developed over the years, making it difficult for her to even respectfully ignore other couples public displays of affection. She didn’t know whether the couple was mutually orgasmic or not, it didn’t matter; they were a happy couple and therefore the enemy. It wasn’t until she discovered this website that she learned how to turn her sex-life around.

Natural Solutions & Lifestyle Changes

Although sexual problems associated with female orgasm difficulty are multifaceted, they're also treatable. Treatment involves addressing the underlying medical or hormonal condition contributing to the orgasm difficulty. Many  natural herbal formula have known to increase prostaglandins production, relaxing vaginal and uterine muscles and cervical and clitoral tissues through the balance hormones and rejuvenation.

Additional Tips

You can also improve your sexual health by making healthy lifestyle choices and enhancing communication with your sexual partner.

  • Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol

  • Stop smoking

  • Make time for leisure and relaxation

  • Exercise regularly, including a routine that strengthens pelvic muscles

  • Practice harmony Qi Gong to balance yourself emotionally and physiologically

[More Details +]

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Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 62280

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