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Getting Off Keeps You Up

A veteran pornography-collector has found it harder and harder... to get a good night's sleep. Other life issues may be contributing, but he suspects that his longtime masturbation habit is at the root of the problem. Read on, get the facts, and see what you can do if you find yourself with a similar problem.

Case #: 1164


As I’ve grown older, my addictions to pornography changed. I started off loving women with huge breast[s]. Then, I ventured into pig-tailed 18-year-olds. Finally, I fell in love with bubble-butt Latinas. As my addiction grew, my addiction to masturbation grew with it. I started to build a private, digital porn library, filled with years and years[' worth] of videos and photos. Last I checked, I [had] amassed a library worthy of its own porno site. And now in my 30s, I noticed that I continue to amass porn videos. The problem is that now I cannot sleep as well as I once did. Maybe it’s the stress from work. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m married—and miserable. Whatever the cause, I am suspecting masturbation may have been at fault for my current sleep issues.


Masturbation, as more than one person has pointed out, has a lot of things going for it. It's cheap. Free, in fact. It's a lot safer than sex with a partner, too: no chance of accidental pregnancy or contracting venereal disease.

Source of Comfort...

In a world where we've proved that venereal diseases can and do cause irreparable harm and even death, it only makes sense to explore options that reduce unnecessary risks. And, of course, masturbation improves your mood. What could possibly be wrong with it?

… Source of Misery

Actually, quite a lot. To be clear: when used in moderation, masturbation can be a healthy way to relax and learn a little bit about your sexual preferences. The trouble comes when masturbation gets out of control, because in a very real way, masturbation is neither as free nor as safe as it seems.

Wait A Minute, What's Wrong With It?

Masturbation works by producing significant changes in your biochemistry, as well as kicking certain organs into overdrive for a short time. The problem is that your body is not designed to endure this particular state for very long, nor for very often. Continuing to push yourself into an orgasmic state without proper preparation beforehand, maintenance during it or recuperation afterward will eventually result in breakdowns.

How Does It Affect My Sleep?

Masturbation gives you a certain amount of relaxation by releasing endorphins, those chemicals associated with good moods. Masturbation also produces other chemicals, like coritsol. Among other things, cortisol is what quickly boosts your energy levels in times of stress. All well and good while you're in the middle of activities like sprinting away from a threat or sex, but cortisol is a chemical, not a light switch. It doesn't just “go away” when you're finished; elevated cortisol levels can remain in your bloodstream for more than two whole days after you orgasm.

Imagine driving a car on the highway. Sometimes you'll need a short burst of extra speed, but what if your accelerator pedal won't release? Constantly dumping cortisol into your system through excessive masturbation is a lot like that, in that it makes your body keep metabolizing blood sugar for long, long after you've finished ejaculating.

So, excess cortisol is an enemy of your sleep. What about deficiencies? Ejaculation uses up serotonin, a hormone that regulates your mood. Serotonin also is the precursor for melatonin, a hormone vital to regulating your sleep cycle; without it, restful sleep is practically impossible. Think of that as your brakes getting softer and softer.

Combine the two (can't stop accelerating, can't slow down) and you wind up with a surefire recipe for sleep problems.

What Can I Do?

There are several possible options, most of which should be discussed with your health-care provider. Adjusting your diet to enhance your liver function is a smart choice. Another is seeking alternate sources of “good feelings”, such as exercise. While you explore these possibilities, you should consider using an herbal supplement designed specifically to address the effects of sleep-deprivation. (TRY: SAM-e—The Sleep Deprivation Adjuster) It will help your body replenish the deficient hormones in your blood, as well as assist your liver in metabolizing the excess substances that interfere with restful sleep.

Be advised that it will take some time for your body to restore itself, regardless of which solution or combination of solutions you choose to employ. Reduce your sexual activity as much as you can during the recovery process. Optimally, you should go without for two or three weeks, but if you can cut down to no more than once every two or three days you should find the healing process will progress at a satisfactory pace.

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观看次数: 74


笔记编号: 62159

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